Halligan wins golf meet

Ryder Halligan  had a successful day at the Winner invitational golf tournament on Sept. 14 at Winner Country Club.

The WHS golfer shot a 77 to win first place.

There were no team totals kept in the invitational  but Winner did place first in the Big Dakota meet with a score of 342. In the Big Dakota, Chamberlain was second and Mobridge-Pollock, third.

In the varsity Winner Invitational, Maxton Brozik placed third. Karson Keiser was sixth, Kaden Keiser, seventh and Carter Craven, eighth.

Landon Calhoon placed 12th.

There was both a junior varsity and middle school division.

In the JV meet, Derek Fenenga took first place. Masen Beehler took second and Brody Calhoon was seventh.

The middle school tournament was won by Jalen Tideman of Winner. Levi Heenan placed third. William Jorgensen placed 7th and Riley Peppel, 11th.

Past WHS yearbooks available

Photo by Tessa Mann
Winner High School is offering extra yearbooks for sale. Looking at some of the books are year book staffers Aleya Miller, left and Brindy Bolander.

Winner High School has extra copies of past yearbooks available for sale.

It is the perfect opportunity to pick up a book from each year you attended Winner High and “remember when” you and your schoolmates were all together!

If you are not sure if you ordered one, or can’t find it, here is your chance to regain old memories.  The stories that can be told with those pictures, the “I wonder” that goes with the student photos, re-play all the games and school events with classmates, friends, and family. It can lead to hours of entertainment.  

Copies of books currently for sale range between the years of 1993 and 2016, books are available for $10 each.  Books from the years of 2017-2020 are available for $25 each. There is a very limited number of books available some years. Cash or checks will be accepted. 

Checks should be made out to “WHS Yearbook.”  You can contact Judy Duffy at the WMS/WHS Library between 8 am and 3:30 pm at 842-8125. All books are a first come first serve basis  with the necessary funds gets the book. 

Arrangements can be made to pick them up before coronation or after the parade on Friday.

Third to Fifth Grade Summer Reading

Submitted Photo
Winner Elementary third to fifth graders who completed the summer reading program are in front from left Chloe Briggs, Katie Burns, Allie Tideman, Brynlee Spreckels, Tinley Shippy and Carter Peppel. Second row from left are Jed Rolf, Maddux Phillips, Rouge Patmore, Claire Pravecek, Aubrey Heenan, Baylor Murphy, Rylan Cook, Grace Barnes, Westin Foster, Sharlotte Tuttle. Third row from left are Evan Taggart, Ved Chaudhari, Allie Littau, Nick Assman, Jacob Gregg, Avery Antelope, Kenli Pollard, Auden Duffy and Riley Bachmann. This year the Tripp County Library and Winner Elementary School teamed up to hold one reading program.

Winner Regional Donation to Winner School

Submitted Photo
Winner Regional Health has donated school and cleaning supplies to the Winner School District. Pictured in front from left are Rhonda Schroeder, Donna Hofeldt, Tammy Sargent and Terami Nespor. In back from left are Michele Piper, Jessica Rehak, Winner School Superintendent Keven Morehart, Rachel Gardner, Debie Weathermon and Eva Bowling.

The Rewards and Recognition Committee within Winner Regional Health (WRH) was led this past month by the Business Office and Health Information Management departments when they hosted a school supply drive.

Donations were received from WRH employees for Winner and Colome Public Schools. The initiative was very well received, which secured hundreds of dollars in supplies ranging from Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, glue, highlighters, notebooks, backpacks, and pens, etc.

The cleaning supplies will help prevent the spread of COVID and the school supplies are always needed for students. With much of the work of these two departments keeping them behind the scenes, they appreciated the change in pace and the ability to give back to those in the community.

Winner Regional Donation of Supplies to Colome School

Submitted Photo
Winner Regional Health donated cleaning and school supplies to the Colome school. Pictured from left are teacher Teresa Yeaman, principal Dustin Christensen and superintendent Dr. Debbie O’Doan.

The Rewards and Recognition Committee within Winner Regional Health (WRH) was led this past month by the Business Office and Health Information Management departments when they hosted a school supply drive.

Donations were received from WRH employees for Winner and Colome Public Schools. The

initiative was very well received, which secured hundreds of dollars in supplies ranging from Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, glue, highlighters, notebooks, backpacks, and pens, etc.  

The cleaning supplies will help prevent the spread of COVID and the school supplies are always needed for students. With much of the work of these two departments keeping them behind the scenes, they appreciated the change in pace and the ability to give back to those in the community.

Colome Homecoming Parade Winners

Dan Bechtold/Winner Advocate Photo
Candyland was the theme of the Colome junior class float in the homecoming parade on Sept. 17. They won first place in the high school float division.

The Colome junior class won first place for best high school float in the Colome homecoming parade on Friday.

Second place was a tie with the 9th, 10th and 12th grade.

Other parade winners include:

K-2nd grade division –1. 2nd grade; 2. Tie between Kindergarten and first grade

3-5th division –1. 3rd grade; 2. 4th grade and 3rd—tie between  Wood Elementary and 5th grade

6-8 grade—1. 8th grade; 2. 6th grade and 3. 7th grade

Business division –1. First Fidelity Bank of Colome, 2. Winner Area Chamber of Commerce

Classes—1. Class of 1966, 2. Tie 1951 and 2011.