

Publisher/Owner – Charley and Norma Najacht

General Manager/Advertising –

Editor –

Office Manager – Jennifer Duffy

Facebook:   Twitter: @WinnerAdvocate

Letters To The Editor

All letters must be signed and are subject to the Advocate’s editorial policy. We ask that all letters submitted be limited to 500 words. Letters exceeding 500 words will be subject to the Advocate’s per column inch advertising rate. Writers are limited to one letter per month and cannot be published two weeks consecutively. Letters must be in good taste. All letters are subject to editing for taste, libel and the Advocate’s publishing standards. Views expressed in letters or guest columns are not necessarily those of the owners, publishers or staff of the Winner Advocate.  Political letters to the editor endorsing a candidate or ballot issues must be paid for.

Advertising Terms & Conditions

All advertising published in the Winner Advocate is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which are available from our Advertising Department. We must have a name and address of person or business placing any ads. All ads are subject to approval before publication. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad at any time. Errors must be reported during the first week of publication. We shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the publication (whether published correctly or not) or omission of any advertisement. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to the Classified Department immediately by calling (605) 842 1481.


(605) 842-1481        Fax: (605) 842-1979


Winner Advocate
125 West Third Street
Winner, S.D. 57580

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