South Dakota Farmers Union Foundation Awards $1,000 Scholarship to Dusti Littau of Carter, S.D.

dusti litau scholarshp


Dusti Littau of Carter, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the South Dakota Farmers Union Foundation’s fifth annual Insuring a Brighter Tomorrow scholarship program.

Dusti was one of 25 recipients chosen from a large group of applicants to receive the scholarship to be used for her post-secondary education in South Dakota. The scholarship program is funded by Farmers Union Insurance agents from across the state through the South Dakota Farmers Union Foundation. The recipients were chosen based on a combination of academic record, activities and awards, financial need, and an essay relating to how they might, “Insure a Brighter Tomorrow,” in South Dakota.

“These young people are the future leaders of our state, and we’re investing in South Dakota’s future by helping these outstanding young people pursue their dreams,” said Wayne Bartscher, Regional Manager of Farmers Union Insurance. “This group of recipients is one of the most talented and impressive groups we’ve had, and they make me more confident than ever in the future of our state.”

Littau is the daughter of Curt & Amy Littau of Carter. Dusti plans to attend Black Hills Beauty College and will major in cosmetology.

South Dakota Farmers Union Foundation supports programs and advances efforts that further economic prosperity and cultural vitality in rural South Dakota.

Winner School Board Member Elected to State Association Board



Winner School Board Member Steve Kubik was elected to his second term on the Associated School Boards of South Dakota’s Board of Directors.

Kubik was elected to represent the Association’s Central Region member districts in the 700-1,399 enrollment category. His four-year term begins this month as the ASBSD Board of Directors meet for their August meeting prior to the ASBSD-SASD Convention in Sioux Falls.

Kubik was previously elected to the Board of Directors in January, 2010.

Local Youth Leaders Attend National Leadership Conference

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More than 7,700 members, advisers, alumni, and guests of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), gathered at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC, July 5-9 for the 2015 National FCCLA Leadership Conference. Abi Leyden and Shannon Duffy, juniors at Winner High School, attended along with their adviser, Kris Brockhoft for inspiration, training, and opportunities to make a difference.

Cole, Orel Named Ambulance Directors

By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Two EMT’s have been named the new directors of the Tripp County ambulance service at a special meeting of the Tripp County Commissioners on Monday afternoon.

Kathy Cole and Sis Orel will be the co-directors and also the welfare directors for the county. They will replace Bev Vaughn who resigned at the July 14 meeting. Vaughn, who has served as ambulance director for 4.5 years, will leave office on July 31.
The vote to approve the new directors was 3-2. Voting for approval were commissioners Dan Forgey, Curt Littau and Eric Connot. Voting no were commissioners Chip Schroeder and Mark Winter.

Cole, who is certified in advanced life support, will be paid $42,000 a year and Orel, who is certified in basic life support, will be paid $39,000 a year.

Tripp County Disaster Mitigation Plan Update

The Tripp County Disaster Mitigation Planning Team has just completed updating the County’s disaster mitigation plan. The plan includes a profile and risk assessment of the various natural hazards that affect the county, such as blizzards, tornadoes, flooding, and droughts, and presents a disaster mitigation strategy that may lessen the impacts of the hazards.

The plan is available for public review at the Tripp County Emergency Management Office, and on the Planning & Development District III website ( Comments and suggestions regarding the plan can be sent to the Tripp County Emergency Management Office at “” or by calling (605) 842-3600. Comments also can be sent to John Clem at “” or by calling (800) 952-3562. It is expected that the plan will be submitted to the South Dakota Office of Emergency Management approximately one month from now.

Divine Concrete Celebrates 40th Anniversary

divine concrete

Divine Concrete celebrated its 40th Anniversary on Saturday, July 11. An open house was held from 1-5 p.m. at their plant in Bonesteel. Many guests stopped by to share in the celebration, enjoy refreshments, win door prizes and see a live demonstration of batching redi mix concrete and the pouring of precast feed bunks.

John and Kathy Divine founded the company in 1975. What started out in a small trailer has now grown into a multi-division company with three locations. The business runs a concrete construction crew, precast division, as well as continuing to provide the area with quality redi mix concrete out of their Bonesteel, Colome, and Spencer, NE plants.

In 2009, Divine Concrete became a second generation family business when Andy Divine returned to Bonesteel to purchase the company after years of working as an aviation mechanic and salesman. Since his return, John and Kathy have retired and their daughter, Sara (Divine) Nolan, recently joined the team as well.

Divine Concrete, Inc. and the Divine family appreciate everyone who came to celebrate this accomplishment with them and sent flowers and cards. They also appreciate the communities of Bonesteel, Colome, Spencer, and surrounding areas for their support throughout the last four decades.

Not ‘Easy’ When It’s a Cushman

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By Dan Merritt, Advocate Reporter

Say the word “cush” and the “soft” or “easy” comes to mind, as in “that person has a cush job.” But “cushman” changes the idea to the opposite.

Cushman company of Lincoln, Neb. built “trucksters” — a “golf cart” type of vehicle (only larger and wider) with many uses, including industrial plants and the military.

They’re darn near indestructible, according to Rich Papousek of Colome, who originally hails from Gregory.  Made of iron and steel with cast iron and then aluminum motors, “they were built too good,” Papousek said.  He called them “rock solid” vehicles. “The engines were made to run forever.  You couldn’t wear them out.”

He has two Cushmans — with open driver/passenger areas — and is looking to get three more, with cabs.

4-H Rodeo Set for July 17

rodeo rutten better steer wrestling

The 47th annual Tripp County 4-H Rodeo will be held July 17 at the Tripp County Fairgrounds.
Over 175 contestants will be participating to earn a spot at the state 4-H rodeo to be held in Ft. Pierre in August.
The rodeo will start at 8 a.m. with the ambassador contest and the rodeo events will get underway at 10 a.m.
Junior girls will be competing in barrel racing, pole bending, breakaway roping and goat tying.
Junior boys will be competing in flag race, breakaway roping, goat tying, and cattle riding. The senior girls events will be barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, breakaway roping, ribbon roping and dally team roping.

A Look at You… Wendy Mortenson

Mortenson Wendy J

Name: Wendy Mortenson
Birthplace: Yankton, SD
Family: Husband Marty & 3 children – Hunter, Ryder, & Piper.
Currently reside where: Winner
Occupation: Insurance Agent
Civic/religious/other boards on which you serve or groups/organizations you belong to: Rotary board member, Certified Insurance Counselor, Chamber of Commerce member.
The best thing about my job is: Fulfilling  insurance needs for families.
My favorite childhood memory: Camping with family.
When growing up, I wanted to be: In sales or merchandising.
My most prized possession: Family
Favorite sports teams: Winner Warriors & Huskers.
Favorite current television show: HGTV
Favorite past television shows: Brothers & Sisters
Favorite movie: The Blind Side
Favorite actor: Robin Williams
Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock
Favorite musician/band: Keith Urban
Favorite book/author: Danielle Steel
Favorite publication (newspapers, magazines): People Magazine
Favorite holiday and why: Christmas. To be with family & making memories.
Favorite Bible verse: Psalm 23
Hobbies: Scrapbooking & camping.
Three things that can always be found in my refrigerator: Ketchup, pop, cheese.
My favorite snack: Popcorn
Pet peeve: Dishonesty
Three words that best describe me: Caring, honest, hardworking.
I’ve never been able to: Travel overseas.
I wish I could stop: Worldwide wars.
I’m better than most at: Analyzing myself.
The best times of my life: Family vacations & births of my 3 children.
My most embarrassing moments are: Forgetting someone’s name I should know.
I’d like to have a dollar for: Foul language I hear.
If I could go anywhere in the world, I’d go to: Hawaii
If I won the lottery: Buy a few nice things & save the rest for future needs of my family.
My definition of a great evening is: Sitting by a campfire & being with family.
A goal I have for the future: Spend more time with family & friends and be healthy.