Rotary Club Receives a Grant

Dan Bechtold/Winner Advocate Photo
Dawn Covey of Tripp County Community Foundation, center, presents the first of
two installments of a $10,000 grant to the Winner Rotary Club for the murals
that are being placed at Centennial Plaza. The first installment is for $5,000
with the second installment given later on. In February, the community
foundation gave Rotary a $3,000 grant to refurbish the plaza. Pictured with
Covey are Tony Berg, right and Chuck Keiser of the Winner Rotary Club.

Winner School District receives award

The Winner School District was selected forthe 2020 Ron Noren award at the Jorgensen Land and Cattle event held on Oct. 2. Each year the Form-A-Feed outstanding cattleman award winners select a person or organization from their community who they would like to ‘pay it forward’ to with this monetary award. This year Jorgensen Land and Cattle chose the Winner School District.

The money will be used to help the school district fund the cost of cleaning supplies and equipment they may need to help students and staff stay healthy during COVID-19.

The Ron Noren award is not only a monetary award designed to give back to the community but it is also an award to honor the memory of the late Ron Noren, a former Form-A-Feed employee who lost his life to cancer in 2013

Pheasants forever banquet

The Pheasants Forever banquet will be held Oct. 23 at the middle school auditorium. This is a new location from past banquets. Happy hour and games will start at 5:30 p.m. and a dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. Following the dinner will be an auction and it is estimated there will be 65 to 70 guns raffled off.

With COVID-19 there will be some modifications to the banquet. Games will be spread out and some games will be eliminated so there will not be a lot of crowding. Tables for the banquet will be spread out to provide for social distancing. There will be hand sanitizer at gaming tables and other areas. The banquet is a major fundraiser for the local chapter of Pheasants Forever.

Tickets are available at Statewide Ag, Farmers Union Insurance, Mathis Implement, any board member and at the door.

Pie in the Face

Julie Rohde Photo
Shelby Ewing, left, is about to put a pie on the face of Dr. Debbie OâDoan.
This was part of a fundraiser held by K-12 students in Colome to benefit the
Hoffer family who recently lost their home in a fire. The fundraiser was held at
the volleyball match on Thursday.

4 new covid cases

Tripp County on Monday saw four new cases of COVID-19. There are 48 active cases in the county.

Since COVID started Tripp County has had 236 active cases. Across the state on Monday there were 567 cases reported with 8,388 active.

There have been 323 deaths.

The state reported the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is dropping.

As of Saturday, 295 persons were hospitalized. That number increased to 304 on Monday.

Colome Middle School Football Team donates meat to the Hoffer Family

Julie Rohde Photo
The Colome Middle School football team recently donated a quarter of beef to the
Hoffer family who lost their home in a fire. Sarah Hoffer, left is pictured with
some of the football players. Also pictured are Tila Harter, Jordan Drummond,
TayShaun Hoffer, Seth Heath, Cash Hemming, Shae Munroe and coach Chase Hrabanek.

Coins For Kindness

Dan Bechtold/Winner Advocate Photo
The Winner Elementary students, staff and kitchen staff donated to the Coins for
Kindness fundraiser. The money raised was for the Hoffer family fire fund.
Everyone was very generous with their donations and the staff is happy to help
out a member of the school family. In front center is Sarah Hoffer and her
daughter Sadie. They are pictured with Sadieâ((s begindergarten class.