Summer recreation is in full swing at McDonald Park. Here a group of kids play a game on the tennis court. Jaime Keiser is the supervisor of summer rec with the help of the Winner High School volleyball girls.
By Bosten Morehart
Staff writer
The Summer Rec program is in its second week and the kids are keeping active and having fun.
The program started June 5 this summer and is Monday-Friday from 9 am to noon. The activities and games start at nine with a break halfway through and then they start up again after the break.
They start the day off playing games on the tennis courts with a game going on each side of the nets. These games are challenging giving the kids a sense of competition while being around their friends.
During the break the concession stand opens for the kids to get a snack and or drink and catch their breath. The break allows for the kids to rest and get some fuel in their body, so they are ready for the second half of the program.
After break they will return to playing but this time in the outfield of McDonald’s Park. They will finish playing in the field until it ends at noon.
Once the program is over, they are able to go right over to the pool and even walk over to the school to get lunch.
There are 85 kids signed up this year which is around the average number since Covid. The ages of the kids range from kindergarten to 8th grade.
Jaime Keiser runs the program and has been since she started in 2010. The Winner High School volleyball team helps with summer rec.
The goal of the program is to keep the kids active and socializing with their friends. Another goal is to teach them how to problem solve and resolve arguments in the safest way they can.
The program will run throughout the summer until July 14th.