Legislative leaders differ on tax cut legislation

By Dana Hess

For the S.D. Newspaper Association

PIERRE — Republican legislative leaders are promising a conservative approach to the various tax cut bills that have been submitted during this session of the Legislature. Democratic leaders, who for years have backed a sales tax cut on food, aren’t entirely optimistic about the fate of this year’s tax cut legislation.

Their comments were made on Thursday, Jan. 26, to a group of editors and publishers in Pierre for Newspaper Day at the Legislature.

 Currently in the Legislature there are four bills with versions of sales tax cuts as well as a bill to cut property taxes.

 “Most of us would love to do a tax cut,” said Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree, R-Madison. “We’re going to be conservative and prudent with our decision-making. We don’t want to make a mistake now.”

 House Majority Leader Will Mortenson, R-Pierre, said Republican lawmakers are faced with a tough choice as they want to cut taxes, but they also want to be fiscally conservative.

 “We don’t make that decision hastily,” Mortenson said. “Fools rush in.”

 A cut of the sales tax on food was a cornerstone of Gov. Kristi Noem’s re-election campaign. The Republican leaders said they would work with the governor, but they needed to consider all the tax cut bills.

 “The governor has the loudest microphone of everyone in the Capitol,” Mortenson said.

 The governor may have the biggest microphone, but, according to Democrats, she’s not putting in the work that’s needed to pass her bill to cut the sales tax on food.

 “She’s using this as a campaign stunt,” said Senate Minority Leader Reynold Nesiba, D-Sioux Falls, referring to Noem announcing her support for the sales tax cut on food during her re-election campaign. “My sense of the Senate is that she doesn’t have the votes.”

 There’s a certain amount of education, cajoling and arm twisting that goes into the passage of legislation. According to Nesiba, Noem has been missing in action.

“She hasn’t been making the phone calls, doing the work necessary,” Nesiba said. “She’s often out of state, traveling, focusing on something else.”

 Rather than go without any cut in the sales tax on food, Nesiba said Democrats have offered alternative bills that cut one penny and two pennies off the tax.

 “Democrats are leading the way to a compromise to get this done,” Nesiba said. “We’ll probably help the governor save face.”

Republican legislative leaders respond to a question during Newspaper Day

Photo: Jeremy Waltner/Freeman Courier
Republican legislative leaders respond to a question during Newspaper Day at the Legislature on Jan. 26. From left are press conference moderator Carson Walker, CEO of South Dakota News Watch, house majority leader Will Mortenson of Pierre, senate majority leader Casey Crabtree of Madison and senate assistant majority leader Michael Diedrich of Rapid City.

Democratic legislative leaders participate in a Newspaper Day

Photo: Jeremy Waltner/Freeman Courier
Democratic legislative leaders participate in a Newspaper Day at the legislature press conference on Jan. 26. From left are moderator Carson Walker, CEO of South Dakota News Watch; House assistant minority leader Erin Healy of Sioux Falls; Senate Minority leader Reynold Nesiba of Sioux Falls and House minority leader Oren Lesmeister of Parade.

Mitchell Tech students unveil custom motorcycle

Submitted Photo
Mitchell Tech students recently unveiled a custom motorcycle. There are a couple of area students who worked on the bike. Pictured f rom left are Chris Degen, power sports technology program director, Michael Supik, Colome; Austin Munkvold, Jacob Johnson, Evan Juracek, Gregory, Marcus Laursen and Kash Weischedel.

Re-built motorcycle headed for elite auction later this month

Students, faculty, staff and supporters of Mitchell Technical

College gathered for the Power Sports Technology students’ pit stop before with their custom-built motorcycle Friday afternoon.

Since late September, the program’s six second-year students, along with representatives of Helping with Horsepower, a Mitchell-area nonprofit providing opportunities for purpose, wellbeing and growth through projects such as bike rebuilds, worked tirelessly to tear down and rebuild the 2018 Harley-Davidson Road Glide for the City of Sturgis, who purchased the bike.

The finished bike is scheduled to go up for bids on an elite Mecum Auction in Las Vegas, Nev., Jan. 24-28.

“We wanted to be 90 percent done when they left (for Christmas break), so we were on a pretty tight deadline,” said Laura Klock, President and Founder of Helping with Horsepower.

In just over three months, the students “got to be involved all the way from tearing the bike

down, building some custom stuff and putting it back together,” according to Power Sports Program Director Chris Degen.

From the very beginning, it was a team effort.

“Everyone kind of had their own … design ideas,” Degen recalled. “We sat around and figured out color schemes and what we wanted the bike to look like and what we were going for,” then transformed the touring-style Road Glide into a “race-like bagger.”

The cosmetic transformation is apparent at first glance and brought cheers from the approximately 100 people in attendance last Friday.

Most obviously, the solid-colored pearl paint was replaced with a white base and racing strips of blue, bronze and black with barely-noticeable monochromatic Sturgis emblems. The solid black factory seat was replaced with a sporty black and white leather seat embroidered in a diamond pattern with the City of Sturgis emblem displayed prominently at the top. Just

below the gas cap, the official coin for the 2023 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was inset into the modified gas tank, and students fabricated a custom shift linkage bearing the Sturgis logo. A majority of the chrome was replaced with metallic bronze or high-gloss black-painted pieces.

In homage to the students who invested their class periods into the build, the motor mount dons a black Mitchell Tech logo set on a bronze base.

“There are a lot of (subtle) custom parts that the students got to” add to the bike to commemorate the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and to honor the involvement of Mitchell

Tech, Helping with Horsepower and the project’s many corporate sponsors, Degen said, adding that the students were able to use some of the skills they’re learning in their welding class on the project.

And the mechanics were overhauled, too. Degen said the engine horsepower and torque were increased by 50 percent. Various standard parts were replaced with performance parts to make the bike race-ready, but it is enough like the original to still be used as a road rider.

Although the turnaround on the project was quick for such an expansive project, Klock said the process was “beautiful.”

“These guys were so fast and so responsive. The motor mount – they talked about it, and then one of them was out the door, making it. (They) did a great job. (They) should all be very proud of (themselves),” she said. “They have such a great base from the school and Chris’s instruction. They understand how it all works. … This is the future of power sports standing here.”

The experience was unique for everyone involved. For students, it was a first custom build.

And, for Degen and Klock, it was the first project they’ve had that will be sold to a national audience.

“It was awesome to be able to add the design and marketing concept to the students’ mechanical coursework that they’re already learning,” she said.

The bike departed Mitchell last Monday afternoon, with another unveiling pit stop scheduled for Sturgis on Tuesday at 4 p.m. From there, the bike will be Vegas-bound.

The final day of the bike’s time at auction will be televised Sat., Jan. 28 at mecum.com/tvtimes. The winner of the auction will purchase the custom motorcycle, an autographed

concept drawing from designer Tex McDorman and a VIP package to the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, to be held this August in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

“We hope that whomever the purchaser is really embraces the story” of the Rally and Helpingwith Horsepower.

Proceeds from the auction will benefit “the Sturgis Rally Endowment Fund, a part of the Black Hills Community Foundation, to ensure that the Rally tradition of charitable giving endures for the benefit of future area residents,” according to Sturgis Mayor Mark Carstensen.

Some of the funds raised will be routed to Helping with Horsepower, a Mitchell-area nonprofit providing opportunities for purpose, well-being and growth for individuals born or diagnosed with limitations. The organization’s Bike Rebuild Program is a therapeutic opportunity for participants to rebuild a motorcycle as they acquire tools to rebuild their lives.

“It’s a win-win-win,” according to Laura Klock, creator of the Helping with Horsepower Biken Rebuild Program. “The students got the project experience, which included extra training byn some of the sponsors, … (while Helping with Horsepower and the Rally endowment) benefit

from the proceeds (allowing) HWH to continue to provide opportunities and hands-on programs.”

Former Winner resident writes book on racial tensions at sea

Marv Truhe’s new hardcover book, “Against All Tides, The Untold Story of the USS Kitty Hawk Race Riot” was released on Oct. 11. The book was released on the 50th anniversary of the race riot which is the subject of the book.

Truhe grew up in Winner. He graduated from Winner High School in 1963. While attending high school Truhe worked at the Winner Advocate.

He has a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in 1967. He also has an honorary doctorate from School of Mines in 2003.

He received his law degree from Northwestern Law School in 1970.

Truhe was on active duty in the U.S. Navy from 1970-74. He served aboard the USS Kitty Hawk off the coast of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

He served as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps.

After his military duty, Truhe returned to South Dakota and was an assistant attorney general in the AG office in 1974 as head of trial division.

He was in private practice from 1975-2007 in Rapid City working corporate, mining and environmental law.

Truhe retired in 2008 and moved to Colorado with his wife, Nicki.

Truhe says the book is a story of racial injustice and is a first person account of Truhe’s experience as a US Navy JAG lawyer during the Vietnam War.

An interracial confrontation occurred aboard the ship while it was conducting bombing runs into north Vietnam.

Truhe represented several of the 25 black sailors who were unjustly charged with rioting and assaults.

The book covers riots and the court martial trails that followed.

Truhe said his goal in writing the book was to set the record straight because of all the one sided and erroneous chronicles of the incident.

“I wanted to write the complete story in a fair and balanced manner,” he said.

He started writing the book after the special court martials were completed and while Truhe was serving as a military judge.

He collected thousands of pages of original source documents: Navy investigation reports, hundreds of sworn statements and medical records, Congressional subcommittee hearing testimony, his own case files and interviews with client witnesses.

Truhe retained these documents for 50 years (six banker boxes) and again took up writing the book in January 2021.

In January 2022 he presented his manuscript to the publisher for editing. Editing was completed in July and the book came out in October.

Truhe said his inspiration and goal in writing the book was to set the record straight because of all the one-sided and erroneous chronicles of the incident.

Among the injustices he said were 25 black sailors were charged with rioting and assaults against white sailors, but no white sailors were charged.

He said this was a totally one sided investigation. Truhe added Navy officials  withheld critical evidence from defense lawyers.

Photos and details are in the book’s website, marvtruhe.com

Truhe was invited to give a book presentation at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.

The newspaper in San Diego, Calif., wrote a front page story on the book Nov. 20.

In the newspaper story, Truhe said there was deep-seeded racism in Navy, an institution he respected then and respects still. Questions about fairness in the legal system, an arena where he would do his life’s work. Questions about integrity and honesty.

That’s why he kept those five boxes, to look for answers. It’s why he turned what was inside into a book which offers the most complete picture yet of what happened on board the aircraft carrier and in the trials that followed.

Writing the book took Truhe 18 months of 12 hour days, time spent sifting through documents, remembering details, reliving the story.

“I am not usually an angry person but I was angry as all this unfolded 50 years ago,” he said.

In end, 23 Black Kitty Hawk sailors faced court-martials in San Diego, most of them accused of rioting and assault. Only one white sailor was charged with assault, three months after the riot. He was acquitted.

Of the black defendants, seven accepted plea deals admitting to one or more reduced charges and received minimal sentences such as time-served or  fine. Ten were convicted at a trial of one or more offenses and also received minimal sentences.

Six others were exonerated. Three had their charges dismissed before trial, two were acquitted.

Worried that the book might come across as a “one-sided rant by a disgruntled defense attorney” Truhe said he took pains to be balanced in the depiction of events. The 320 page book includes 1,100 footnotes.

The book can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes&Noble and other locations.

Truhe  and his wife live in a retirement community in Broomfield, Colo. His wife is from Colorado and they were married in 1970 just before he went on active duty. The couple have been married for 52 years.

They have a son, Eric, his wife, Leigh, both attorneys, live nearby with two children.

Opportunity available to take EMT course

There is a desperate need for more EMTs across South Dakota.

To help fill this need an EMT class will be offered online.

Paul Schueth of the Tripp County ambulance service, said he and others applied for and received an  EMS SAMHSA grant.

With the help of the University of South Dakota Tripp County received a $200,000 grant.

The 2023 class will start in January and is free for qualified students.

Persons will be able to take the class on line. The classes will be Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-10 p.m. via interactive video conferencing. The classes will be taught by USD.

Students will be required to take skill sessions which will be held on certain Saturdays in Winner. The weekend Saturday dates are Feb. 18, March 18, April 15 and May 13.

The cost of registration $850. But the grant funds allow it to be free for students. All books will also be free.

This class is also open to high school students who are interested in becoming an EMT.

“We are trying to get more EMTs in the western part of the state,” said Schueth. “In smaller towns it is hard getting people to volunteer,” he said.

Persons who are interested are encouraged to sign up for this class.  They can call Travis Spier at 605 328-6389 or Paul Schueth in Winner to get more information. 

A flyer where persons can scan a QR code to register is available from Schueth.

Completing an EMT course will provide opportunities for individuals seeking to support their community and assure rural communities have access to emergency services and medical care when needed.

Elk Point-Jefferson stuns Winner

Dan Bechtold/Winner Advocate Photo
Winner quarterback Blake Volmer hands off the ball in the Class 11B championship game on Nov. 11 in Vermillion.

It was the game of the year in Class 11B. Two undefeated teams going at it for bragging rights as the state champion.

Winner was going for its third consecutive state championship. Elk Point-Jefferson was making its first appearance in the DakotaDome in a football championship.

Elk Point-Jefferson spoiled Winner’s quest for a third consecutive title with a 21-14 victory. It also halted Winner’s 34 game win streak.

“We couldn’t consistently run the ball,” said Winner coach Trent Olson.

The coach said this is the best team Winner has seen in 11B play.

The Friday afternoon game in the Dome lived up to all its pre-game hype.

The game was scoreless in the first quarter.

In the second quarter, Huskies running back Lucas Hueser broke free from a 48 yard bust up the middle to put Elk Point-Jefferson deep in Warrior territory. Hueser would get the ball again on a 4th and goal from the one and he reached the ball over the line to put EPJ on the board first.

Winner quickly answered as Riley Orel exploded for a 69 yard TD run. But the two point conversion failed that kept EPJ in the lead 7-6 with 4:29 to play in the half.

Two minutes later EPJ scored again and took a 14-6 halftime lead.

Karson Keiser would miss a 27 yard field goal that came up short in the closing seconds of the half.

Both offenses started slow to begin the third quarter. Winner went three and out while EPJ grabbed one first  down but then had to punt.

The Warriors put together an efficient drive on their next possession, using the clock and gaining yards into the Huskies side of the field.

On the first play of the fourth quarter, Blake Volmer hit Ethan Bartels for a 35 yard touchdown. The two point conversion was good and Winner had tied the game at 14-14.

The Huskies retook the lead with just under eight minutes to play when Hueser broke free up the middle for a 31 yards touchdown scamper. The score is now 21-14.

However, Winner puts together an all or nothing drive that digs deep into Huskies territory. With a critical fourth down, the Warriors go for it with a pass by Volmer which is intercepted and seals the victory for EPJ.

Orel led the Warriors with 111 yards. Aiden Barfuss added 62 yards.

In passing, Volmer was 5-14 for 66 yards.

For the nine seniors on the team they have played in four consecutive championship games in a row and have a 45-2 record.

Turnquist wins matches

Submitted Photo
Wyatt Turnquist, right, who wrestles for Northern State University, won two matches in Oklahoma.

Wyatt Turnquist, who wrestles for Northern State University, won two matches in Oklahoma.

He received a pin in 2:19 over a wrestler from Carl Albert State and then won a 6-4 decision over the No. 3 wrestler Brik Flippo of Central Oklahoma.

Turnquist is ranked No. 11.

BankWest Joins #BanksNeverAskThat Anti-Phishing Campaign

BankWest has joined the American Bankers Association (ABA) and banks across the U.S. for the #BanksNeverAskThat Anti-Phishing Campaign, a coordinated, industry-wide effort to protect consumers during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

Throughout the month, BankWest will put forth a concerted effort to educate consumers about the persistent threat of phishing scams. The organization will share tips and videos via social media channels to help consumers identify fake bank communications asking for sensitive information like their passwords and social security numbers. BankWest also held several Fraud Talk events across the state in August, educating customers about the latest scams.

The Federal Trade Commission estimates that consumers lost $5.8 billion to phishing and other fraud in 2021, an increase of more than 70% compared to 2020.

“Phishing attempts are at an all-time high and scammers are targeting consumers from every direction—by text, phone and email,” said Jody Engel, Winner BankWest Branch Manager. “Education and awareness are key to helping customers spot a scam, so we hope to help them stay one step ahead of the scammers.”

Here are a few tips to protect yourself from phishing attempts:

Never change a password, issue a payment or perform other sensitive tasks based on an unsolicited request.

Never give out personal information such as account numbers, usernames, one time access codes, passwords or Social Security numbers.

Beware of messages or calls requesting any sort of urgent response. Do not respond to pressure to take any sort of immediate action.

If you do receive a phone call, email or text message requesting sensitive information, hang up and call the party back to verify whether the request is legitimate. Use a phone number from a trusted source or directory rather than caller ID to verify you are calling a legitimate source.

For more information about phishing scams and how to stop fraudsters in their tracks, visit www.BanksNeverAskThat.com.

Jorgensen Ranches Ranked First in Angus Registrations for South Dakota During 2022

Jorgensen Ranches, Ideal, ranked as largest in registering the most Angus beef cattle in South Dakota with the American Angus Association® during fiscal year 2022, which ended Sept. 30, according to Mark McCully, Association chief executive officer.

Angus breeders across the nation in 2022 registered 304,822 head of Angus cattle. “Our association members lead the industry in adopting new technology and breeding the most problem-free cattle for their customers,” McCully said. “Cattlemen across the country continue to find registered Angus seedstock are the most profitable option for their herd.”

ANGUS MEANS BUSINESS. The American Angus Association is the nation’s largest beef breed organization, serving more than 25,000 members across the United States, Canada and several other countries. The association provides programs and services to farmers, ranchers and others who rely on Angus to produce quality genetics for the beef industry and quality beef for consumers. Raven Angus, Colome, ranked as fourth largest in registering the most Angus beef cattle in South Dakota with the American Angus Association® during fiscal year 2022, which ended Sept. 30, according to Mark McCully, association chief executive officer.