Sen. Erin Tobin spoke at the Winner High School government class on Sept. 14. Tobin talked about the committees she serves on and what bills she plans to introduce in the next legislative session.
By Dan Bechtold
Government students get good lessons on the state legislature from a text book. But that knowledge becomes real when a legislature speaks to a class.
Sen. Erin Tobin, Winner, of Dist. 21 spoke to the Winner High School government class on Sept. 14.
Tobin is in her second term in the South Dakota Legislature.
She explained the committees she serves on. She serves on ag & natural resources, health & human services and state affairs.
In addition, Tobin serves on the executive board and is chairman of the medical marijuana over sight committee. The senator also serves on the long term care summer study. This group is trying to figure out how they can keep nursing homes open as many of them in the state are closing.
She said in a summer study legislators take up issues that are really important to the state and research them.
Tobin tends to be in Pierre once a month when the legislature is not in session.
Another topic Tobin explained was re-districing. She said Dist. 21 was a lot different when she first started compared to what it is today. “We did not have Douglas and Aurora Counties when I first started,” she explained.
Since she has been in the legislature Tobin said there have been some unique things happen. One was a special session to impeach the former attorney general. “We had to create the rules for the impeachment session and then proceed,” she said.
Bill brought forward by a constitute are a priority. “So I want my constituent bills to be a the top of the list,” she said.
Last session three of her four constituent bills were signed by the governor.
Tobin also gave a plug to students to serve as a page during the legislative session.