Winner chapter of FFA recently elected new officers.
Meagan Blare is the new president. Other officers are: Madaline Watzel, vice president; Maggie DeMers, secretary; Amanda Blare, treasurer; Aaron Gilchrist, reporter and Chase Boerner, sentinel.
Several other awards were announced in a virtual end of year ceremony.
Persons were able to watch the event on Facebook.
Heather Rowe received both the Taylor Watzel and the Wayne Robbins scholarships.
Ryder Mortensen received the Pinter scholarship.
The honorary chapter degree went to Andrew Roth.
Outstanding class awards include:
Outstanding freshman—Amanda Blare
Outstanding sophomore—Madaline Watzel
Outstanding junior—Aaron Gilchrist
Outstanding senior—Jack Ducheneaux
Advisor awards include:
Blue and Gold award—Jalen King
Leadership award—Heather Rowe
Effort award—Adam Bohnet
Growth award—Chase Boerner
Excellence award—Justin Hausmann
Teamwork award—Meagan Blare