Julie Bartling Week 3


As the third week of the 92nd Legislative Session wrapped up, we once again find controversy plaguing the legislature. As most have heard on local and national news, South Dakota is at the forefront with the repeal process affecting Initiated Measure 22. This measure passed by a majority vote of electors. This measure, was passed in response to the citizens’ call for urgency in accountability, ethics and campaign finance reform.

While I do agree that the measure was not properly written, I do believe that the intent of the voters is clear – we want transparency and accountability in our government – federal, state and local.

My deepest concerns with HB 1069, the bill to repeal IM 22, is the fast track it has been placed on, and in my opinion, without cause to do so. Judge Mark Barnett has placed an injunction on the measure, thereby, making it impossible for it to take effect until further court action is taken. I believe we have the cart before the horse – we need to pass legislation that will answer the concerns of the voters, in all areas that IM 22 addressed, and then perhaps take action on a full repeal. This measure has an emergency clause attached to it, which if passed and signed by the Governor, will not allow the bill to be referred to a vote of the people. Clearly a misguided attempt to shut down the voice of the people. HB 1069 passed the House overwhelmingly and is not in the hands of the Senate. In a few short days, we will know the impact of HB 1069 and the fate of IM 22.

On a brighter side, we continue to move bills through the committees. House State Affairs has been working through bills from the Secretary of State regarding enhancements to the election statutes, clearly because of challenges to petitions filed in the 2016 election. I am supportive of the Secretary’s attempts to make sure that all procedures are proper and transparent for all in the election process. The final day to drop bills is rapidly approaching – Thursday, February 2nd. We are certainly down in the number of bills filed, which is to be expected with a new class of legislators, but every bill is important and deserves it’s hearing and vetting in this process.

This column is rather short, but I guarantee as the process picks up pace, there will be much more to report. As always, thank you for the opportunity to serve and represent the good folks of District 21. Please feel free to contact me at Julie.bartling@sdlegislature.gov or call me cell at 605-222-3378. I appreciate so very much hearing from all on issues of concern. Thanks and have a great week. Rep. Julie Bartling District 21

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