Rich Crow Eagle and Darrell Herman were the overall winners of the 23rd annual Ron Waller memorial member-guest golf tournament at Winner Country Club this weekend.
The pair had a score of 129.
The derby winners were Dr. Dan Peters and Brett Rizzato. Runner-up were Kevin Keiser and Nick Korton.
Saturday flight winners were:
Flight A—1. Rich Crow Eagle, Darrell Herman, 68; 2. Charlie Grossenburg, Adam Severson, 69; 3. John Halverson and Bob Videickson, 71; 4. Rick Godel and Luke Fischer, 71
Flight B winners were: 1. Jack Haley, David Van Metre, 81; 2. Jim Halverson, George Johnson, 81; 3. Jon Schlomer, Mike Munson, 81; 4. Phil Husher, Joel Husher, 81
Flight C winners were: 1. Keith DeMers, Mark Kolecka, 86; 2. Clay Fenenga, Jeff Seefeldt, 86; 3. Eric Pollard, Dan Diez, 86; 4. Lance Engel, Hunter Schindler, 87
Sunday flight winners were:
Flight A—1. Crow Eagle, Herman, 61; 2. Charlie Grossenburg, Adam Severson, 64; 3. John Halverson, Kansas Bob, 64; 4. Ryan Radant, Nick Larson, 69
Flight B—1. Mick Rowe, Kip Rowe, 67, 2. Chris Burns, Bruce Drapeaux, 70; 3. Dan Peters, Brett Rizzato, 71; 4. Roger Root, Alan Schlaikjer, 71
Flight C winners: 1. Rusty Arthur, Brady Arthur, 70; 2. Curt Calhoon, Casey Osborn, 73; 3. Eric Pollard, Dan Diez, 74; 4. Keith DeMers, Mark Kolecka, 74.
The calcutta winners were:
Flight A-1. Rich Crow Eagle, Darrell Herman, 61; 2. Ryan Radant, Nick Larson, 62; 3. John Halverson, Kansas Bob, 62.5; 4. Larry Aaker, Brad Haynes, 63
Flight B—1. Mick Rowe, Kip Rowe, 66; 2. Chris Burns, Bruce Drapeaux, 68; 3 and 4. Dan Peters, Brett Rizzato, 69.5 and Roger Root and Alan Schlaikjer, 69.5
Flight C—1. Rusty Arthur, Brady Arthur, 69.5; 2. Curt Calhoon, Casey Osborn, 69.5; 3. Scott Meiners, Scott Dutt, 71; 4. Kevin Meiners, Dan Drake, 72.5
Pin prize winners were:
Hole No. 2 closet to pin Crow Eagle and Rob Collins on Saturday; Casey Berndt and Luke Fischer on Sunday
Hole no. 3—closest to pin—Crow Eagle and Adam Severson on Saturday; Crow Eagle and Rob Collins on Sunday
Hole no. 4-long putt—John Halverson and Duane Bertram on Saturday; Eric Pollard and Darrell Herman on Sunday
Hole no. 5—closest 3rd shot—Ryan Radant and Adam Severson on Saturday; Crow Eagle and Kansas Bob on Sunday
Hole no. 6—long putt—Cody Jorgensen and Luke Fischer on Saturday; Crow Eagle, Doug Johnson on Sunday
Hole no. 7—closest to pin—John Driscoll, Mike Schramm on Saturday and Tim Gant and Brad Haynes on Sunday
Hole no. 9—long drive—Tanner Best and Hunter Schindler on Saturday; Crow Eagle and Kip Rowe on Sunday.