Country Pride Cooperative Gives Back By Investing $100,000 In SDSU Ag

Country Pride Cooperative is proud to announce that the Board of Directors committed to a $100,000 donation to the Headhouse and Greenhouse Facility along with the Cow-Calf Facility projects at South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD. The company will donate a total of $20,000/year for five years to the ag projects at SDSU. “This was a great opportunity for Country Pride Coop to recognize SDSU’s contributions and the value that the university brings to the ag industry. With this donation, Country Pride is investing in the future of agricultural,” explains Country Pride CEO Mike Trosen.  “Both facilities will be key in continuing research work in the ag industry and will also provide a great area to educate and train students for future careers in agriculture.  Helping provide a monetary contribution to the ag projects is part of our company’s cultural values and Country Pride feels honored to be part of the projects being constructed at SDSU Representatives from SDSU recently attended a Country Pride Cooperative board meeting to express their appreciation for the donation. Mike Barber, SDSU College of Ag Bio Development Director stated, “We wanted a chance to say thank you for this generous gift. Both projects are instrumental in helping us move to the next level in research and your donation is greatly appreciated. ”  Dr. David Wright, Dept. Head/Professor for Plant Science and Dr. Joseph Cassady, Dept. Head/Professor for Animal Science also attended and discussed the progress of the projects. The Cow-Calf project includes a main building with offices, laboratory space and conference center, a multipurpose building for maternity or livestock evaluation pens, a monoslope research building, and replicated pastures for grazing management. They expect it to be ready for students in the spring of 2016.

The Headhouse and Greenhouse Facility project construction will start in 2015. It will replace the old buildings that were built in the 1940’s which were closed recently due to safety concerns stated Dr. Wright. The new Headhouse and Greenhouse facilities will create 12,000 sq. feet of new space to teach, conduct research and enable extension opportunities for producers in South Dakota. Research in these facilities will positively impact agriculture through the production of new crop varieties and through discoveries that will improve pest control, disease resistance and stress tolerance in crops. Research on range plants and invasive species will also help livestock producers across the state better utilize their pastures and grasslands. o ignored

According to both SDSU department heads the enrollment in the College Ag Bio has seen strong increases and is expected to continue. The new facilities will assist with meeting the needs of those students.

Beef Protocol

By Robin Salverson

SDSU Extension cow/calf field specialist



The Beef Reproduction Task Force composed of representatives of the AI and pharmaceutical companies, veterinarians and reproduction specialists have developed based on research data and field use a list of recommended synchronization protocols for use in cows in 2015. The protocols can be found in the AI catalogs and on the Beef Reproduction Task Force website.

Recommended Protocols & Useful Tools

Take note that not all protocols are for both cows and heifers. There is a difference in physiological response between heifers and cows. It is important that you use a cow protocol. Likewise, follow the protocol, give the proper hormone injection or insert at the right time and don’t expect to jump-start all cows that are not cycling. To help increase the success of the synchronization protocol cows need to be at a body condition score of 5 or better during breeding season and be at least 50 days post calving. If there are young, thin and or late calving cows in the herd, it is likely they are not cycling. The addition of a progestin such as CIDR® in the protocol can help jump-start some of these non-cycling cows. However, caution needs to be taken, CIDR® or other progestins are not the “cure all” for thin, young and late calving cows. Consideration needs to be taken whether it is cost effective to synchronize these cows. An evaluation of the nutrition program is recommended if a high percentage of cows are not cycling.

Handling Tips

It is tempting to give a cow an injection in the rump, because there is the belief that cull cows solely end as hamburger beef. However, a majority of the “middle meats” such as ribeye rolls, short-loins, strip-loins, along with round are marketed as such. Therefore, Beef Quality Assurance guidelines should be followed when giving all injectable hormones. Secondly, giving the injection in the rump does not increase the efficacy or speed of the hormone because it was administered “closer to the ovary”. All drugs must enter the blood system and travel to the heart and lungs before reaching the target organ (i.e. ovaries).

When handling all hormones including CIDR® wear latex or non-latex gloves regardless if you are a man or a woman. Example, prostaglandin is a smooth muscle contractor, our intestines are the largest smooth muscle in the human body. If prostaglandin is absorbed through the skin it can “tie up” the digestive system. Additionally, the hormones function in the human body like it does in a heifer therefore, extreme care should be taken when handling all synchronization hormones.

Protocol Categories

The recommended cow estrous synchronization protocols have been put into one of three categories:

Heat Detection Protocol

Heat Detection and Timed AI Protocol

Fixed Time AI Protocol

1. Heat Detection Protocols: Cows in these protocols should be inseminated 6 to 12 hours after the first observation of standing heat. During peak heat activity which is approximately 48 to 72 hours after prostaglandin; heat detection should occur at a minimum of 3 times per day for at least 1 hour per check for a total of 3 hours with 5 to 6 hours of heat detection being better. Refer to the SDSU Extension publication HYPERLINK “”Detection of Standing Estrus In Cattle for more information on detecting heat. The heat detection protocols for cows include:

Select Synch

Select Synch + CIDR®

PG 6-day CIDR®

2. Heat Detect and Time AI (TAI) Protocols: These protocols include a combination of both heat detection and timed insemination. Cows observed in heat should be inseminated 6 to 12 hours after standing heat. After approximately 3 days of heat detection, all cows not showing heat after PG injection will be given an injection of GnRH and inseminated (i.e. timed insemination). The amount of time spent on heat detection is reduced and early responders have a better chance of conceiving compared to a single fixed-time AI. The Heat Detect and Timed AI protocols include:

Select Synch & TAI

Select Synch + CIDR® & TAI

PG 6 –day CIDR® & TAI

3. Fixed-Timed AI (TAI) Protocols: In a fixed-time, all cows are inseminated at a pre-determined time no heat detection occurs. It is important, when considering these fixed-time AI protocols, only synchronize the number of cows that can be inseminated in a 3 to 4 hour period. Fixed-Time AI protocols include:

7-day CO-Synch + CIDR®

5-day CO-Synch + CIDR®

PG 5 –day CO-Synch + CIDR® (For Bos Indicus cows only)

Using the Estrus Synchronization Planner can help you develop you compare synchronization protocols and develop a synchronization and breeding calendar for both cows and heifers. The planner can found on the  Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle website as a free download.

Wildfire Awareness Month “Tame the Flame” Poster Coloring Contest

To kick off the South Dakota Wildfire Awareness Month, South Dakota Wildland Fire is calling all kids, ages 3-12, to showcase their artistic abilities in this year’s Wildfire Awareness Month Poster Coloring Contest.

This year’s entries will reflect the theme: “Tame the Flame.” Kids living in South Dakota are eligible to participate. All entries must be postmarked by April 24, 2015. Only one entry per child is allowed and submitted posters must be completed by the child with no outside assistance. Each entry must include a completed entry form. Paint, markers, crayons or colored pencils are mediums that may be used. 

The contest will have two age brackets with a prize awarded to each group.

•        Group 1 (Ages 3-7) Contestants submit the official “Campfire Dead Out” poster.

•        Group 2 (Ages 8-12) Contestants submit the official “Firefighter and Friends” poster.

A Smokey Bear plush toy will be awarded to the contest winners in each category on or before May 31. Posters will not be returned.

The coloring posters and entry form may be downloaded and printed from the South Dakota Wildfire Awareness Month website at this link:!coloring-contest/c1tkc.

All submissions must be mailed to: 

South Dakota Wildland Fire Division

Attn: Cindy Hansen

3305 W. South St.

Rapid City, SD 57702

For more information, contact Cindy Hansen at (605) 393-8011 or email

2015 Wildland Fire Academy Extends Deadline for Registration

RAPID CITY, S.D. – The 2015 Wildland Fire Academy, which will be hosted in Ft. Pierre, S.D., on March 25-29, 2015, has extended its registration deadline. Registration will be open March 16-20 for interested parties.

Firing Operations (S-219) and Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (S-290) classes are full and will not be accepting additional students. The remaining classes are still available.

This event will be an important tool to provide a quality training experience for volunteer fire departments (VFD) and state and federal firefighters.

Participants must register online by visiting , scroll over “Wildland Fire” and “Training and Qualification,” then click “Academies.” Then click “Ft. Pierre Wildland Fire Academy Registration.”

Students attending National Wildfire Coordinating Group courses must have their Incident Command System (ICS) classes up to date in order to receive certification. Minimum ICS course include ICS-100 and ICS-700. Additional courses may be required dependent upon training level.

For more information, please contact Robert Lehmann, assistant chief of training/fuels, South Dakota Wildland Fire at (605) 393-8011 or

South Dakota Wildland Fire can be found on Facebook by searching SD Wildland Fire and on Twitter @SDWildlandFire.

Agriculture is South Dakota’s No. 1 industry, generating $25.6 billion in annual economic activity and employing over 115,000 South Dakotans. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture’s mission is to promote, protect, preserve and improve this industry for today and tomorrow.

Nutritional Value of Organic vs. Conventional Beef

BROOKINGS, S.D. – Natural and organic beef market share has been increasing over the past few decades.

In 2010, the natural and organic beef market share was at 1.6 percent. In April 2014, the USDA Economic Research Service indicated organic sales accounted for more than 4 percent of U.S. food sales.

Focusing on the organic and natural beef share of the total beef dollar, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Board reported that natural and organic beef had 6.3 percent share for the fourth quarter of 2014 with conventional beef market share at 93.7 percent.

What is the difference between organic and natural programs? “Organic production requires producers to manage livestock to meet both animal health and welfare standards,” explained Julie Walker, SDSU Extension Beef Specialist & SDSU Associate Professor.

While vaccinations are allowed, Walker said antibiotics or growth hormones are not permitted. “Animals should be fed only 100 percent organic feedstuffs and should be allowed access to the outdoors,” Walker said.

Organic producers work with certifying agents who ensure USDA organic products meet or exceed all organic standards.

The USDA definition of natural is focused on the beef product, and states that natural beef should contain no artificial ingredients or added colors and can only be minimally processed. “There are other voluntary programs related to how the animal is raised such as ‘naturally raised’.  These programs may have animal management requirements including no antibiotics, no growth promotants, no animal byproducts, and third-party verification of management practices,” said Amanda Blair, SDSU Extension Meat Science Specialist & SDSU Associate Professor.


What’s driving consumers?

Purchase drivers for selecting organic foods can be divided in two categories:

1) healthier choice and

2) socially conscious reasons.

A 3-ounce lean beef serving provides:

51% of the Daily Value (DV) for protein

37% DV for vitamin B12

38% DV for zinc

14% DV for iron

“The production system whether conventional or organic does not change the nutrients contained in a 3-ounce beef serving,” Walker said.

Pahlke Becomes Hometown Attorney

z pahlke


By Dan Merritt, Advocate reporter

He used to regularly attend football games in a stadium that could hold the population of Winner times 26.

He lived in a city of 200,000 where the noises of the surrounding town were always present. Not like in his hometown of Winner, says Zach Pahlke, 27.

“I do like the calm and quiet here,” lawyer Pahlke noted.

“And this is where I’m from. I have family here. I like the community. I’m a fan of hunting.

“I like having some open space, not being in a packed city.

“It’s way more that ‘town’ feeling here, where you know people. That feels good. In the city, you’re pretty anonymous.”

Though knowing and being known in a small town “has its pro’s and con’s,” Pahlke admitted. Still, ”for the most part, I like being able to know the people around me.”

He definitely knows his colleagues at the Pahlke Law Office of Winner, where he’s employed. They consist of  his dad Alvin and mother Susan. Both his parents are lawyers.

Zach Pahlke grew up at Winner, graduating high school in 2006. Then, it was on to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, where he graduated with a bachelor of science degree in business administration in 2010.

After a year in business with Dell Information Systems of Lincoln, Pahlke decided to enter law school at UNL, graduating with his juris doctorate in spring 2014.

Pahlke said he enjoyed the business world and his job in it, but he came to realize that being a lawyer was a profession he really did want to pursue.

And that was important, he commented. Growing up with his family in the lawyer business, it might have been expected he would take up that profession naturally.

But that wasn’t satisfactory to Pahlke, he said.

“I wanted to be sure that if I went into it, I went into it because I wanted to, not just following the tradition.

“But as I was working at Dell, I came to realize that it is what I wanted to do for myself.”

It was no small decision. Law school wasn’t the same as regular undergrad college at UNL, Paulke indicated.

It involved more intensive classroom and study times, requiring long hours in textbooks and in the law library.

He did an internship at the office of the U.S. Attorney in Pierre, which familiarized him with federal court and the prosecuting of federal crimes.

“Big-time” crimes such as murder or rape, methamphetamine or cocaine; felony level violations of U.S. law. The office also dealt with Indian reservation crimes.

At Winner —having passed the bar in July 2014 — Pahlke is a part-time assistant state’s attorney and has his own private practice at his parents’ business.

The criminal law he handles now and the business, estate, and family law he works with aren’t nearly the kinds of things he dealt with in Pierre. It could be compared to when he lived in Lincoln and at UNL as opposed to living now in Winner. Things are a bit different.

But no matter the kinds of cases handled, being a lawyer means helping people, helping to protect society, and arriving at a good solution, as much as possible, for all parties involved, Pahlke asserted.

“It is a noble calling.”

Yes, there are those who disparage the profession. Some jokes about lawyers these days are particularly vicious.

But Pahlke said he takes this “lawyer-bashing” in stride.

“I have a very good sense of humor when it comes to that. I think it’s quite funny.”

Some of the animosity against attorneys comes out in the circumstances in which people and lawyers interact, Pahlke explained.

“People generally aren’t dealing with lawyers during the happiest of times. They’re usually going through a very hard situation on one side or the other.”

But there are lighter circumstances in which lawyers are present, he noted.

“There are happier times, as well. Like if you’re starting a new business. That can be exciting.”

28 Teams Compete in QB Club Tournament

qb meet tovi talking


There were 28 teams that competed in the Winner Quarterback Club youth basketball tournament Sunday, March 8. There were age divisions for 4th to 7th grade. Games were played in both the Armory and the middle school auditorium.

There were over 50 volunteers from the QB Club, the school plus boys and girls Warrior and Lady Warrior basketball teams.

The Holiday House sponsored hospitality rooms for coaches and workers.

Results  of the tourney include:

4th grade girls—Burke, 1st and Pierre, 2nd

4th grade boys—Winner, 1st and Lyman, 2nd

5th grade girls—Winner, 1st and Jones County, 2nd

5th boys—Lyman, 1st; Winner, 2nd

6th girls—Winner, 1st;  Colome, 2nd

6th boys—Chamberlain, 1st and Winner, 2nd

7th girls—Lyman, 1st; Sacred Energy (Mission) 2nd

Winner will also host an outdoor 3 on 3 basketball tourney  over Labor Day weekend.

qb tresh talk to team

Levi Wins Rotary Essay Contest

Mackenzie Levi, a 6th grader at Winner Middle School, won the Winner Rotary Club 4 way test essay contest.

Levi presented her essay at the March 5 Rotary meeting. She is the daughter of Mike and Cindy Levi.

There were 32 students who entered the contest.

Here is  Levi’s winning essay:

The four way test has helped me in some different ways. I like the four way test because it asks good questions, like the truth, is it fair, will it build better friendship and will it be beneficial. This has helped me through a lot of things because of the questions. It has helped me through friendship and some uneasy things. Just asking four easy questions and simple questions make things easier. I am going to talk about a choice I had to make one time.

One day when  I was at my house my friend called and asked me if i wanted to go to their house next weekend for a  sleep over. I said back to her, that I would ask my mom and my mom said “yes.” I was really excited to go  and knew I would have fun. The next day after school she said that she couldn’t wait to  have me over for a sleepoverr and  I said “I can’t wait.”

Later that day another friend asked me what i was doing this weekend and I said, “I’m not sure,” because i didn’t want to tell her what I was doing and hurt their feelings. She said well you come over to my house this weekend and we can hang out. I said, Ok, but I have to ask my mom first. She said ok  that if I wanted to they were going to go down to the river and go tubing for the day.

The four way test helped me to ask myself would it be fair to all concerned. I thought to myself it wouldn’t be fair if I canceled on the first persons and then they somehow found out that I canceled to go do something more fun. Will it build good will and better friendships? It would built better friendships, if I didn’t cancel on the first person. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Yes, if I do the right thing the other friend will understand that I have already made plans and can’t go. Is it the truth? It could be the truth if I just tell my other friend I can’t go.

At the end I went with my friend that asked me first. You might ask why I wouldn’t  pick more fun with my other friend. I picked the friend that asked me first because it was fair and so I didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. When the sleepover was over I was glad I did the right thing. I had a a lot of fun and felt good because of how I handled it. As you can see, the four way test is very useful in many situations and helps you do the right thing.

Pheasants Forever Looking for Projects to Cost Share

Pheasants Forever of Winner is again looking for habitat projects to cost share in the 2015 crop year.

Persons wanting to enhance conservation practices on their farm to help pheasants are asked to submit a plan. It could be for planting trees, digging waterholes, planting grass or a completely new idea.

Cost share grant application deadline is June 15.

Persons are to submit an  application outlining their plan to: Pheasants Forever, P.O. Box 282, Winner, S.D. 57580. The applications can also be dropped off at BankWest of Winner.

Join Angus Association

Kaylea Larson Littau  of Tripp County is a new member of the American Angus Association.

Jesse Larson of Hamill is a new junior member of  the American Angus Association.

Junior members are eligible to register cattle in the American Angus Association, participate in programs conducted by the National Junior Angus Association and take part in association sponsored shows.

The American Angus Association, with nearly 24,000 active adult  and junior members, is the largest beef breed association in the world.