WHS Volleyball Team Opens Play

whs volleyball lettermen

Winner High School volleyball team is ready to start the season.

They have been involved in two matches prior to this issue of the Winner Advocate hitting the newsstands.  The Lady Warriors were in a jamboree in Winner on Saturday and Tuesday they hosted Bon Homme.

Returning letterwinners are Bailey Volmer, Calah Covey, Dacey Kocer, Madyson Frazier, Sydney Fritz, Kylie Horstman, Skyler VanDenHul, Rachel Sherman and Hanna LaCompte.  Edith Eagle Hawk is the team manager.

Cowboys Open Season on Aug. 28

colome football lettermen

Eleven lettermen will lead the Colome High School football team as they open the season Aug. 28 at home against Corsica/Stickney.
Returning lettermen are seniors, Reed Harter and Allan Varilek; juniors Kelly O’Bryan, Wiley Heath, Noah Hermsen, Nate Krumpus, Will Cahoy, Jordan Shippy and Isaac Kortan; sophomores Nash Atteberry and Zane Rohde.

Boys Golf Season Underway

whs golf lettermen

Winner High School boys golf team has one tournament under its belt. The Warriors came away with a second place finish in the Mobridge Invitational on Thursday.

There are six players on the WHS team—Sam Hossle, Duncan English, Luke Engel, Matt Hartley, Jade Whitley and Aiden Barfuss.
The returning lettermen are Hossle, English and Engel.

Cross Country Team Prepares for Season

cross co lettermen

The numbers are up this year on the Winner Area cross country team, especially among the younger athletes.
The returning letterwinners for the Lady Warriors are Chloe Bartels, Hayley Halverson, Samantha Schuyler and Jaclyn Laprath.  The returning lettermen for the boys team are Cohl Turnquist, Colby Curtis, Wyatt Turnquist, Grant Winter Dawson Phillips.
Schuyler, Bartels and Laprath all ran at the state cross country meet last year.

Dancers Ready for Season

dance lettermen

Winner High School competitive dance team is looking for an exciting year.

There are 21 girls on the team with five seniors.  Cyndy DeMers is the advisor.  The returning letterwinners are Skyler VanDenHul, Payton Eagle, Dacey Kocer, Hayley Halverson, Jadyn Gregg, Amanda Boerner, Macy Olson, Hannah Hanson, Sidney Bohnet and Kacee Konvalin.   The leaders are VanDenHul, Kocer and Halverson.

This year the girls picked the motto: “If you want it, go for it.”  This is the fourth year for the WHS competitive dance team.  The first year at state Winner placed third and the last two years have taken second place.  “Our goal is to keep it at that level or go higher,” said DeMers.

Cheer Team Ready for Season

cheer letterwinners

There are 22 girls on Winner High School’s competitive cheer team.

Last year the team placed third in its division and 10th overall at state. “We are hoping to far exceed that this year,” said coach Val Ewing.

The returning letterwinners in cheer are Sidney Bohnet, Kaycee Konvalin, Maddy Hanson, Hannah Hanson, Macy Olson, Bayli Beehler, Hannah Peterson, Rachel Sherman and Sophia Lewis.

Beverly Burtz, 85

bev burtz obit


Beverly Helen Bailey Burtz went to be with the LORD on August 19th at the age of 85.  She was the youngest of 3 children and the last surviving.  She was born on October 21, 1929 on the family farm to Clifford and Gertrude Bailey.  She attended South Greenwood School and then Winner High School.  Beverly married Bill Burtz on Sept. 2, 1951 at their farm home on the White River.

Beverly was a dedicated farm wife who enjoyed gardening and canning, feeding and caring for her farm animals, and writing the local news for the Winner Advocate.  She was a substitute teacher in both the Eden and Greenwood rural schools and was also a Teacher’s Aide at the Winner Schools in 1972-73.

She had a great interest in history and worked hard to document her family’s ancestry.  She recently researched and presented the history of the Witten Baptist Church at the 100th anniversary program.  Beverly volunteered as a 4-H leader, was involved in her local Greenwood Kensington Extension Club and her local Ladies Community Bible Study.  She also was a Greenwood township board member.  She was very involved in her church as a Sunday School Superintendent, a Deaconess, a member of the Women’s Mission Circle, as a Bible School supervisor and most recently, as church secretary.

Being very proud of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Beverly would often share their pictures with friends.  Her house walls, refrigerator and bulletin boards are covered with photos and newspaper clippings that she would enjoy and share with others.  She enjoyed visiting with family and friends on the phone as well as keeping in touch by writing many long letters.

Adults Need Vaccines Too

Adult Vacc

PIERRE, S.D. – Every year, thousands of adults in the United States suffer serious health problems, are hospitalized, or even die from diseases that could have been prevented by vaccination.

To celebrate the importance of immunizations throughout life – and to help remind adults that they need vaccines too – the South Dakota Department of Health is joining with partners nationwide in recognizing August as National Immunization Awareness Month. “There is a misconception among many adults that vaccines are just for children,” said Barbara Philips, nurse educator for the Department of Health immunization program. “The truth is, you never outgrow the need for immunizations.”

Vaccination Provides A Healthy Start For Children

Baby Vacc

Immunization gives parents the safe, proven power to protect their children from 14 serious and potentially deadly diseases before they turn 2 years old, says a state health official.

To celebrate the importance of immunizations for a healthy start and throughout life  – and to make sure children are protected with all the vaccines they need – the South Dakota Department of Health is joining with partners nationwide in recognizing August as National Immunization Awareness Month.