Beverly Helen Bailey Burtz went to be with the LORD on August 19th at the age of 85. She was the youngest of 3 children and the last surviving. She was born on October 21, 1929 on the family farm to Clifford and Gertrude Bailey. She attended South Greenwood School and then Winner High School. Beverly married Bill Burtz on Sept. 2, 1951 at their farm home on the White River.
Beverly was a dedicated farm wife who enjoyed gardening and canning, feeding and caring for her farm animals, and writing the local news for the Winner Advocate. She was a substitute teacher in both the Eden and Greenwood rural schools and was also a Teacher’s Aide at the Winner Schools in 1972-73.
She had a great interest in history and worked hard to document her family’s ancestry. She recently researched and presented the history of the Witten Baptist Church at the 100th anniversary program. Beverly volunteered as a 4-H leader, was involved in her local Greenwood Kensington Extension Club and her local Ladies Community Bible Study. She also was a Greenwood township board member. She was very involved in her church as a Sunday School Superintendent, a Deaconess, a member of the Women’s Mission Circle, as a Bible School supervisor and most recently, as church secretary.
Being very proud of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Beverly would often share their pictures with friends. Her house walls, refrigerator and bulletin boards are covered with photos and newspaper clippings that she would enjoy and share with others. She enjoyed visiting with family and friends on the phone as well as keeping in touch by writing many long letters.