Quiz Bowl Competes in Pierre

middle school quiz bowl

The Winner Middle School quiz bowl team competed in the Georgia Morse Acalympics in Pierre on Jan. 13.

Coach Robin Curtis said the team was unable to capture a place in the top 3 but worked extremely hard against teams which consisted of eighth graders.

The Winner team is composed of five sixth graders as well as one seventh grader.

The Winner team will travel to White River on March 23.

Bertram Evidence Hearing Held in Winner


An evidentiary hearing in the case of Russell Bertram was held in circuit court in Winner on Thursday.

Bertram, 64, Sioux Falls, is charged with murder in the shooting death of his fiancé Leonila Stickney, 26, in October 2009, which was initially ruled as a hunting accident.

Bertram served as a police officer in Colome from November 1998 to August 1991. He then became a police officer in Parker until December 1996, which is when he became chief of police in Harrisburg until May 2004.

The hearing was called to address pieces of evidence that the state or the defense wish to be kept out of a trial which is set for February in Gregory County.

The state attempted to prove motive by relying on testimony from Bertram’s three ex-wives who were expected to testify at the trial.

Pollard Promoted At First Fidelity Bank

eric pollard

Eric Pollard has been promoted to assistant vice president at First Fidelity Bank of Winner.  He started working at the bank in 2012 as a loan officer.

Pollard is a member of the Winner Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors and is on the board of the local Pheasants Forever chapter. He is a member of the South Dakota Umpires Association and umpires at baseball games. He is also a certified high school football referee.

Pollard graduated from the University of Sioux Falls in 2010 with a degree in business management.  Pollard is married to the former Darci Diez of Winner and they have two children: Kenli, age 3 and Karter, 2 months old.

Benefit Planned for Teacher

A baked potato benefit will be held Feb. 12 from 5-8 p.m. at the Winner Armory to help defray medical costs for Winner High School teacher Jon Hanson.  Hanson recently had heart surgery. Hanson is a Winner High School math teacher.

Winner will host McLaughlin in a boys and girls basketball doubleheader on Feb. 12.  There will be a free will donation for the benefit and carryouts will be available.

Four Win Superior

one act play superiors

Four Winner High School actors were honored with superior awards at the regional one act play competition in Pierre on Jan. 27.

Sophomore Matthew Hartley, juniors Kenzie Irick and Elizabeth Jankauskas and senior Grant Winter earned the honors for their roles in the one act play “Fire Exit.” This is a drama about the reactions to a tragic fire at a high school.

Winner finished fourth in the competition with the top two advancing to the state competition.

Others in the WHS contest play are: freshman Brielle Bachmann, junior Nick Blare; seniors Molly Connot and Duncan English. The play was directed by Kara Connot and Kelly Assman with Dan Patmore as the technical director.

The directors appreciate Sid Durrin, Lauren Norrid, Shannon Duffy and Emily Moser for their technical help in the production.  The one act play was well received recently in local performances.

WHS 2nd Quarter Honor Roll

Honor – Molly Connot, Colby Curtis, Kylie Horstman, Dacey Kocer, Devon Leiferman, Karissa Odenbach, Skyler VanDenHul, Korrina Williams, Chase Watson, Grant Winter
Merit – Windsor Barry, Cameron Biggins, Jonas Brill, Calah Covey, Allison Cox, Marcie DeHaan, Sid Durrin, Payton Eagle, Duncan English, Riley Fraizer, Sydney Fritz, Jadyn Gregg, Sam Hossle, Pete Hughes, Luke Jedlicki, Chastin Kemp, Michael Massa, Seth Olson, Lattrel Terkildsen, Cohl Turnquist, Amber Wingert

Honor – Chloe Bartels, Drew DeMers, Shannon Duffy, Luke Engel, Nathan Erickson, Wyatt Ewing, Brea Heth, Sydney Hollenbeck, Kenzie Irick, Liz Jankauskas, Chase Kingsbury, Krockett Krolikowski, Cameron Kuil, Abi Leyden, Jayden Schroeder, Sam Schuyler, Molly Sperlich
Merit – Payton Antoine, Trevor Bertram, Amanda Boerner, Sidney Bohnet, Kayleb Brozik, Chet Bryan, Bethany Cable, Aaron Hacecky, Bailey Harter, John Kludt, Kyran Meek, Alex Meiners, Emily Moser, Isaac Naasz, Hannah Peterson, Rachel Sherman, Ryan Sherman, Jordan Turgeon, Jacob Woods

Honor – Dalton Baker, Meredith Calhoon, Riley Calhoon, Ronae Klein, Zach Lapsley, Sam Marts, Lauren Norrid, Charles Novak, Macy Olson, Ian Tunnissen
Merit – Michaela Bachmann, Macie Ferwerda, Justus Gregg, Hannah Hansen, Matthew Hartley, Daesha Klein, Hanna LaCompte, Nick Lantz, Levi McClanahan, Brekkyn Nagel, Lexie Nedved, Alex Schaeffer, Matthew Smither, Nathan Smither, Savannah Vogel

Honor – Bayli Beehler, Sierra Hansen, Gabby Kocer, Katy Lantz, Sophie Lewis, Gracie Littau, Abby Marts, Makenna Peterson, Alexis Richey, Casey Stickland, Andrew Taylor, Madi Thieman, Logan Tunnissen, Brandon Volmer, Teddi Vrbka, Tyson Westendorf, Sadie Woods
Merit – Brielle Bachmann, Elijah Blare, Jeslyn Felix, Luke Hennebold, Natalie McKenzie, Makayla Peterson, AJ Roubideaux, Nolan Sachtjen, Hunter Shopene, Wyatt Turnquist

8th Grade
Honor – Austin Bicek, Jacob Clay, Kiersten Durrin, Kara Ewing, Jaynee Gregg, Morgan Hammerbeck, Emmarie Kaiser, Isabelle Leyden, Ryder Mortenson, Trevor Peters, Addy Root, Saige Schuyler, Kenndal Turnquist
Merit – Joren Bruun, Landon Debus, Jackson Ducheneaux, Phillip Jorgensen, Riley McClanahan, Kameron Meiners, Loren Moeller, Ethan Niehus, Abby Pajl, Shaelyn Peneaux, Dawson Phillips, Heather Rowe, Marlee Schaeffer, Isaac Schramm, Angel Shaw, Charlotte Shopene, Alicia Stands, Ethan Vesely, Gage Watson, Jayd Whitley

7th Grade
Honor – Megan Brozik, Kady Cable, Shannon Calhoon, Evan Farner, Hayley Hanson, Katherine Jankauskas, Mackenzie Levi, Steven Lin, Aryn Meiners, Delanie Nelson, Preston Norrid, Landon Thieman
Merit – Brennan Bachman, Zach Bohnet, Brianna Brickman, Bailey Brown, Jesse Colson, Brady Fritz, Aaron Gilchrist, Jackson Hansen, Taylor Headrick, Dawsyn Kahler, Arista Kaiser, Maggie LaCompte, Aissa Long Crow, Kayla Natoli, Gennefier Schuppan, Marlie Schuyler, Shelby Scott, Deja Thompson

6th Grade
Honor – Finn Bartels, Ellie Brozik, Taralynn Cordier, Jenna Hammerbeck, Emma Jorgensen, Kaden Keiser, Gilon Kraft, Adrienne Lewis, Elvis Lin, Marissa Meiners, Michael Olson, Kaleb Osborn, Kolbie Osborn, Sidda Schuyler, Bella Swedlund, Jackson Vesely
Merit – Parker Baker, Shayla Bice, Adam Bohnet, Alex Bohnet, Joseph Cole, Megan DeHaan, Katie Dreyer, Quintanya Eagle Elk, Skyler Hansen, Raelen Heinzman, Hattie Hespe, Hailey Hollenbeck, Hannah Kaiser, Ashton Klein, Kylar Meek, Aaron Monk, Owen Monk, Alani Old Lodge, Elijah Peterson, Charley Pravecek, Tyeesha Ringing Shield, Kelsey Sachtjen, Ryan Sell, Keyleigh Stands, Caylin Swift Eagle, Trinity Vrbka

Wild Wins Tri Valley Tournament

winner wild team

The Winner Wild girls basketball team won the Tri Valley tournament on Saturday.
In the first game, Winner defeated Mitchell 35-16.  In the second game, Winner defeated West Central 28-25.  In the third game, Winner defeated Brandon Valley 33-26.

“The girls did a good job as we only had seven girls this weekend and we were tired. They played match up zone to save our legs and played well. They were excited as Brandon Valley beat us by two points two weeks ago,” said Swedlund.

Luncheon Highlights Services Offered by Specialist

dr. sheer

By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Winner Regional Healthcare Center now has the services of an orthopedic surgeon who comes here every other week.  Dr. Bryan Scheer explained the services he provides at a lunch and learn meeting Jan 13.

He helps patients with joint pain, sports medicine and general orthopedics.  As a surgeon, he explained he does a lot of knee scopes plus performs total knee and hip replacement.

Korean War Veterans – You will Always Be Our Heroes

gene grossenburg peace medal

Over 450 South Dakota Korean Veterans received a special honor last Tuesday. It’s gratitude that some say is long overdue.

At a ceremony last Tuesday afternoon in the State Capitol and in numerous communities throughout South Dakota, veterans were recognized for their service during the Korean War and were presented the Korean Ambassador Peace Medal.

“Jan. 12, 2016, will be remembered for our great heroes from what has been called the Forgotten War,” said Larry Zimmerman, Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs. “It was an honor to be able to place the medal on one of these heroes, but also to know that so many gave so much during that war.”

“I thank the South Korean Government and our Governor for the great day and recognition of such a wonderful group of veterans,” said Zimmerman.

korean peace medal group