Frank Finney, Mayor Candidate


Occupation: Retired School Administrator

Family: Jeriann wife of 57 years, 3 sons, Jeff, John and Joel

Why are you running for Mayor of Winner? I am running for the office of mayor because it is very important that the mayor and city council have a good working relationship. For the past 13 years I have been involved in city government. As a councilman, I serve on six different committees. This has been a learning experience while working with some very capable people. At this time we have a very knowledgeable council and I can provide the proper atmosphere for the mayor and council to work together.

The job of mayor requires a lot of time to meet with the staff and various committees that serve the public. This takes the time that I am willing to provide. I believe that the office of mayor is an important job that deserves the experience of a trained leader in staff and finance management.

What do you see as the biggest challenges or the biggest issues facing the City of Winner? The biggest challenges and issues are one and the same. Finding and spending the funding to run our city is the biggest challenge that the mayor and council must deal with on a day-to-day basis. Developing and managing the yearly budget is the responsibility of the mayor and council. All the department heads have a part in this process. The two departments that help support the rest of the city are the light department and the combined law enforcement center. They generate income that is used to support the police, parks, streets, sewer, and water department.

The city of Winner is over one hundred years old. Its streets, plumbing, and water lines are old and in need of constant repair and replacement. There are miles of old cast iron water lines and red clay sewer lines in the older part of town. Every year a different street is scheduled to be replaced. The water and sewer ones under that street must be replaced at the same time. New equipment and modern technology have enabled the city to reduce staff and still provide the services that make Winner a great place where people enjoy living and raising their families. Taking care of our city is a task that is on going and will never end.

What experience and qualities do you bring to the table to serve as mayor of Winner? My years as a school administrator and business manager, plus 13 yard in local city government, have given me the necessary experience in staff management and finance to help guide the council and staff to make the best use of the resources that are available to the city. The ability to listen and learn from your co-workers is what makes a good leader. It is important to be available at public events that take place in the community. I have spent many years working with parents, teachers, members of the planning committee, council members, and various other committees in the task of solving common problems. We must be willing to meet and work with the schools, county government, and the public in order to make our city and community a better place to live and work.

Roger Farley, Mayor Candidate

roger farley
Occupation: Sales/After Market Consultant at Frontier Motors

Family: Wife, Mary; Daughter, Andrea, Son-In-Law Cliff, Granddaughter Bailey, Son, Jamie

Why are you running for Mayor of Winner? As a life-long resident, I would love to see Winner grow. I would relish the opportunity to work with our city council and concerned citizens to address current issues and develop a strategy for growth and development.

What do you see as the biggest challenges or the biggest issues facing the City of Winner? There are many challenges facing the community currently. Our city infrastructure is aging and is in need of repair. This is easy to talk about but difficult to address as there are checks that must be written. We must work together to develop a plan and budget to upgrade our systems. Economic growth is another challenge. We must find ways to promote new business as well as to protect the businesses that have made our community great for so long. We must find ways to keep our youth in the area, and economic growth and opportunity is an avenue we should pursue as a community. these are not easy fixes, but they are issues that must be prioritized moving forward.

What experience and qualities do you bring to the table to serve as mayor of Winner? I have been fortunate to have served Winner as council member for 17 years. I have experience both success and failure, and while things haven’t always been perfect, I have always kept the best interests of our community in mind. I have learned that working together is our only option to move Winner forward, and I am prepared to do everything necessary to bring together to meet our objectives. I would appreciate your vote on April 12th.

Winner High School Play

wizard of oz play scene

The Yellow Brick Road leads to the Winner Community Playhouse this weekend for the 2016 All School Play as the WHS Drama Department presents an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. The play will run three evenings, Thursday-Saturday April 7, 8 & 9.  Doors will open each night at 7:30 p.m. and the curtain rises at 8 p.m. Admission to the play will be $5 for adults and $3 for students. Reservations are not necessary, but tickets for each night can be reserved by calling the high school at 842-8125 between 8 AM and 4 PM.

This is the largest play cast in several years for an all school play and the talents of many kids will be on the stage and behind the scenes.  The cast includes Winner High School students Molly Connot, Kenzie Irick, John Kludt, Matthew Hartley, Sydnie Peters, Molly Sperlich, Hayley Halverson, Duncan English, Grant Winter, Jacob Woods, Brielle Bachmann, Nick Blare, Mason Schuyler, Ty Bolton, Isaac Naasz, Hunter Shopene, Luke Engel, Jonas Brill, Emily Moser, Shannon Duffy, Sadie Woods, Gracie Littau, Mary Calhoon, Liz Jankauskas, Katy Lantz, Alex Meiners, Jace Voegeli, Bethany Cable, Andrew Taylor, Angel Shaw, Taylor Headrick, Arista Kaiser and Shelby Scott.
Rona Klein is the stage manager with Shea Connot, Elijah Blare, Trey Welch, Tyson Westendorf and Kayleb Brozik as stagehands.
Sid Durrin and Lauren Norrid are in charge of the lights and sound.  Calah Covey will be helping with makeup.
The play is directed by Kara Connot and Kelly Assman, Dan Patmore is the technical director, and Ruth Novotny is the artistic director.

Just like the popular screen version, there are some intense scenes, but this should be a wonderful family night of entertainment.  Following the performances, the cast will be on stage to meet and greet those in attendance. There will be ample time each night and we encourage kids who would like to get pictures taken with cast members to take advantage of this opportunity.

Kindergarten Screening is April 22

Winner Elementary School kindergarten screening will take place on April 22.

The screening is for any child who will be of school age for the school year 2016-2017 that will attend school in the Winner School District. The student must be 5 years of age by Sept. 1, 2016.

Interested individuals need to call the elementary school office (842-8170) and schedule a time for their child to be screened.

Parents/guardians are asked to bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate that was courthouse issued and a copy of the child’s immunization records.

Persons who have questions feel free to call the Winner Elementary School office at 842-8170.

Hand Game Teams Wins First Place

hand game team

The Hanpa Tec’unpi Warriors (hand game warriors) competed at the 2016 He’Sapa Hand games championship tourney in Rapid City on April 2.
There were six teams in the competition.
The local team won two games and lost one and then went on a four game winning streak (coming off the losers bracket) to beat out the undefeated Little Wound twice for first place.
Joslyn Felix was awarded the prize for best guessor and Tianna Lopez was awarded the best hider.
The Hanpa Tec’unpi Warriors also competed at the Sinte Gleska Founders Day handgame tourney in January for a second place win.

CHS 3rd Quarter Honor Roll

Superior (All A’s)
Seniors – Reed Harter, Kaleb Waters
Juniors – Wiely Heath, Isaac Kortan, Adrianna Larson, Jordan Shippy
Sophmores – Zane Rohde
Freshman – Jaclyn Laprath, Alexa McKenzie
Eight Graders – Haley Krumpas
Seventh Graders – Abby Kortan
Excellent (All A’s and B’s no C’s)
Seniors – Isaac Baker, Morgan Hofeldt, Taylor Hrabanek, Mariah Kinzer, Rachel Lovejoy, Destannie Noteboom
Juniors – Will Cahoy, Callie Heath, Nate Krumpus, Darcy Maier, Holden Thieman
Sophmores – Kaylee Bolton, Maggie McCarty, Caleb Vandenbark, Jeremiah Yeaman
Freshman – Grace Campbell, Abby Pechota, Hanna Rowe, Riggin Shippy
Eighth Graders – Jacob Beckers, Megan Charles, Eli Kortan, Julianna Larson, Sara O’Bryan
Seventh Graders – Rhett Bertram, Saydee Heath, Hailey Old Lodge, Makayla Shippy
“B” average – No D’s
Seniors – McCallie Bettcher, Melissa Bettcher, Avery Davis, Jesse Heese, Lauren Week
Juniors – Matt Campbell, Noah Hermsen, Tristin Munroe, Chastity Paulson, Megan Seegers
Sophmores – Elisabeth Duffy, Andrew Laprath
Freshman – Beau Bertram, Christian Clairmont, Rayne Hermsen, Jackson Kinzer, Lay Thieman
Eighth Graders – Aidan Brown, Jordyn Seegers
Seventh Graders – Lanie Bolton, Luke Bolton, Nathaniel Hansen
Perfect Attendance
Sophmores – Rebecca Marso, Jeremiah Yeaman
Freshman – Alexa McKenzie
Seventh Graders – Rhet Bertram

Davis Joins Angus Association


Avery Davis of Millboro is a new junior member of the American Angus Association.

Junior members are eligible to register cattle in the American Angus Association, participate in programs conducted by the National Junior Angus Association and take part in association sponsored shows and other national and regional events.


HONOR – Molly Connot, Colby Curtis, Jadyn Gregg, Hayley Halverson, Kylie Horstman, Devon Leiferman, Karissa Odenbach, Sydnie Peters, Cohl Turnquist, Skyler VanDenHul, Bailey Volmer, Grant Winter
MERIT – Cameron Biggins, Calah Covey, Allison Cox, Marcie DeHaan, Sid Durrin, Payton Eagle, Duncan English, Riley Frazier, Sydney Fritz, Sam Hossle, Luke Jedlicki, Dacey Kocer, Michael Massa, Seth Olson, Chase Watson
HONOR – Chloe Bartels, Drew DeMers, Shannon Duffy, Luke Engel, Wyatt Ewing, Brea Heth, Kenzie Irick, Skyler Jermolenko, Chase Kingsbury, Krockett Krolikowski, Abi Leyden, Molly Sperlich
MERIT – Cody Amidon, Trevor Bertram, Nick Blare, Sidney Bohnet, Chantelle Brill, Kayleb Brozik, Bethany Cable, Nathan Erickson, Aaron Hacecky, Bailey Harter, Sydney Hollenbeck, Liz Jankauskas, Kaycee Konvalin, Cameron Kuil, Trace Larson, Kyran Meek, Alex Meiners, Emily Moser, Isaac Naasz, Hannah Peterson, Jayden Schroeder, Sam Schuyler, Rachel Sherman, Ryan Sherman, Jordan Turgeon, Tristan Watzel, Jacob Woods
HONOR – Meredith Calhoon, Riley Calhoon, Ronae Klein, Zach Lapsley, Sam Marts, Lauren Norrid, Macy Olson, Ian Tunnissen
MERIT – Aidan Bachmann, Dalton Baker, Carter Brickman, Emalie Duley, Macie Ferwerda, Maddy Frazier, Deiyondra Gillis, Justus Gregg, Hannah Hanson, Maddy Hanson, Matt Hartley, Daesha Klein, Hanna LaCompte, Nick Lantz, Levi McClanahan, Brekkyn Nagel, Charles Novak, Destiney Ruden, Alex Schaeffer, Matthew Smither, Nathan Smither, Savannah Vogel, Taylor Watzel
HONOR – Bayli Beehler, Elijah Blare, Sierra Hansen, Gabby Kocer, Sophie Lewis, Gracie Littau, Abby Marts, Makenna Petersen, Alexis Richey, Casey Stickland, Andrew Taylor, Madi Thieman, Logan Tunnissen, Wyatt Turnquist, Brandon Volmer, Teddi Vrbka, Tyson Westendorf, Sadie Woods
MERIT – Brielle Bachman, Shea Connot, Kassie Cox, Luke Hennebold, Asher Kraft, Katy Lantz, Natalie McKenzie, Makayla Petersen, Nolan Sachtjen
HONOR – Austin Bicek, Jacob Clay, Kiersten Durrin, Kara Ewing, Jaynee Gregg, Morgan Hammerbeck, Emmarie Kaiser, Isabelle Leyden, Ryder Mortenson, Jayce Palmer, Trevor Peters, Addy Root, Saige Schuyler, Kenndal Turnquist
MERIT – Joren Bruun, Jackson Ducheneaux, Michael Good Shield, Phillip Jorgensen, Riley McClanahan, Kameron Meiners, Loren Moeller, Ethan Niehus, Abby Pajl, Shaelyn Peneaux, Heather Rowe, Marlee Schaeffer, Angel Shaw, Charlotte Shopene, Alicia Stands, Ethan Vesely, Gage Watson, Cailob Week, Jayd Whitley
HONOR – Megan Brozik, Kady Cable, Shannon Calhoon, Jesse Colson, Evan Farner, Hayley Hanson, Katherine Jankauskas, Mackenzie Levi, Dalanie Nelson, Preston Norrid, Landon Thieman
MERIT – Brennan Bachmann, Zach Bohnet, Bailey Brown, Brady Fritz, Taylor Headrick, Dawsyn Kahler, Arista Kaiser, Maggie LaCompte, Steven Lin, Aissa Long Crow, Aryn Meiners, Kayla Natoli, Marlie Schaeffer, Shelby Scott, Deja Thompson
HONOR – Finn Bartels, Ellie Brozik, Joseph Cole, Taralynn Cordier, Jenna Hammerbeck, Emma Jorgensen, Kaden Keiser, Adrienne Lewis, Elvis Lin, Marissa Meiners, Michael Olson, Kaleb Osborn, Kolbie Osborn, Charley Pravecek, Bella Swedlund, Jackson Vesely
MERIT – Parker Baker, Shayla Bice, Adam Bohnet, Alex Bohnet, Megan DeHaan, Katie Dreyer, Quintanya Eagle Elk, Hattie Hespe, Hannah Kaiser, Ashton Klein, Gilon Kraft, Kylar Meek, Aaron Monk, Owen Monk, Alani Old Lodge, Elijah Peterson, Tyeesha Ringing Shield, Kelsey Sachtjen, Sidda Schuyler, Ryan Sell, Keyleigh Stands, Trinity Vrbka, Achilles Willuweit

Colome School to Present Plays

colome play scene zombie

Colome High School will present two short plays on April 1 and 2. The plays will be presented at 7 p.m. each night at the Vets Hall in Colome.

The two plays are “You’re Driving Me Crazy” and “10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse.”

The plays are directed by Joy Seegers with Maggie McCarty as stage manager.

The cast of “You’re Driving Me Crazy” include Megan Seegers, Morgan Hofeldt, Jordyn Seegers, Trenton Seegers, Grace Campbell, Christian Clairmont, Evan Cole, Hanna Rowe, Kylie Debus.

The cast of “10 Ways” includes all the students that are in “You’re Driving Me Crazy” plus Eli Kortan, Becca Marso and Jaclyn Laprath.

Four members of Tripp County 4-H Competed in the 2016 Tri State Horse Expo

4h horse members

Elle Harris, Zoe Harris, Selah Harris & Bailey Fairbanks competed in Horse Quiz Bowl, and placed as the reserve champion team.  They have been coached by MJ Waters.  Individual team members also competed with their own scores throughout all of the rounds of Horsebowl.  Zoe Harris tied for first with her individual points for the Quiz Bowl Competition.

The second day of the Horse Expo consisted of Horse Judging and Hippology.  The 4-H’ers had a great variety of classes to judge, including Belgian Halter, Pony Halter, Performance Horse Halter, and a performance event; Ranch Riding.  In Horse Judging, Tripp County had two individuals place.  Bailey Fairbanks placed 1st and Selah Harris placed 3rd, both in the beginner level.

The Hippology Contest consists of a series of stations set up to test the youth’s individual knowledge of various Equine topics.  Among other topics, members had to identify equipment, breed characteristics, breed association rules and origins, coat colors and anatomy.  Elle Harris placed 2nd individually in the Junior Hippology contest.