South Dakota FFA Members discover their superpowers at summer leadership training
The South Dakota FFA Association conducted its annual Leadership Retreat July 6-9, at Storm Mountain, Rapid City. A total of 85 FFA members in grades 9-12 attended the Storm Mountain Camp from across South Dakota.
The Colome FFA Chapter had two officers in attendance. Those attending from Colome were: President, Morgan Gill; and reporter, Landi Krumpus.
The retreats centered on a survivor theme, focusing on teaching members how to “Learn, Lead, and Succeed.” FFA Members developed and enhanced their leadership skills and self-confidence through interactive learning. The program featured workshops that helped members discover the value of servant leadership, personal values, personal and team strengths, creating effective teams, Ag advocacy, positive mindset, and conflict resolution. They will use these new skills and ideas to benefit their local chapters and communities.
Retreat attendees also participated in a service-learning project helping with beautification at the Central States Fairgrounds in Rapid City and attending the lighting ceremony at Mt. Rushmore National Memorial.
The retreats were directed by the 2021-2022 State FFA Officers: President, Tessa Erdmann, Groton; Vice President, John Peterson, Sturgis; Secretary, Hadley Stiefvater, Salem; Treasurer, Paige Lehrkamp, Hermosa; Reporter, Alexis Hughes, Rapid City; and Sentinel, Trinity Peterson, Willow Lake. Retreat staff also included Kayleigh Thill, Chancellor; and Kylie Harriman, Parker; SD FFA Ambassadors.
The retreat was sponsored by the CHS Foundation, Northland Ford Dealers, Farm Credit Services, Army ROTC, South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Bayer. Retreat t-shirts we’re sponsored by SoDak Labs, SD Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers, Army ROTC, Plains Towing and Recovery, Hogemeyer Seed, Kibble Equipment, Latham Hi-Tech Seeds, SDSU Farmhouse Fraternity and Tractor Supply Company. Scholarships for individuals to attend sponsored by: SD FFA Foundation, West River Electric Association, Sioux Valley Energy, Walt Johnson Memorial and Doland FFA Chapter.