Members of the Winner VFW Auxiliary presented a $2,000 donation to the board of the Winner Pix Theater. The donation was made possible because of the annual holiday wreath fundraiser sales the auxiliary does each fall. The auxiliary voted to give back to the community for all the support they have given. Pictured in front from left are Jack Burns of the theater board, Rosemary Connot and Marsha Risseeuw of the VFW Auxiliary. In back from left are Don Tuttle of the theater board, Jana Pravecek of VFW auxiliary and Brenda Klein of the theater board.
By Dan Bechtold
Work is progressing on the Pix Theater with plans for it to open early this summer.
The popular theater sustained two fires and since the last fire in October the theater board made plans to repair the building.
The first fire was in September in a vacant building next to the theater. The Pix sustained water and smoke damage.
Then in October there was a fire inside the theater which caused a lot of damage.
Brenda Klein and Jack Burns, theater board members, talk recently about the progress on the building.
The electrical work is mostly completed. The carpentry work is 90 percent done.
The flooring company returned April 3 to refinish the flooring.
There is a new screen wall and there will be a new picture screen.
The speakers are here but have not been installed.
Klein explained around the second week of April the speakers will be installed.
The new seats will arrive the first week in May. Burns and Klein said the seats are much nicer and will have a higher back and will be wider.
The new popcorn machine is here and also the ice machine for the concession stand.
Klein said the work has gone well. She noted board members and community volunteers have put in a lot of hours getting the theater back into shape. Several Winner High School students helped and used it for community service hours for National Honor Society.
Burns said there will be an Eagle scout who will use installing the seating as his Eagle project.
A month before the theater opens the board will be looking to hire part-time concession staff and possibly a manager.
Klein said the theater will be very impressive when it opens. There will be a fresh coat of paint and new doors.
“The layout of the theater has not changed a lot. It will be fresher, brighter and newer,” said Burns.
Serving on the theater board are: Klein, president; Jon Schlomer, vice president; Lynnelle Anderson, secretary; Don Tuttle, treasurer, board members Burns, Sarah Taggart, Molly Knutelski, Val Ewing and Deb Moeller.
Soon (this summer) the Pix Theater will re-open. Persons will be able to see their favorite movies and enjoy that great concession stand popcorn.
The Pix Theater has been a staple of the Winner community and persons have worked hard so that the theater downtown remains a vital part of the community.