The Winner High School Class of 1986 held their 35th reunion at homecoming. Pictured in front from left are Mel Williams, Winner; Chris Phillips, Chamberlain and James Mathis, Winner.
Two of the men in front are holding pictures of classmates who died Randy Condon and James Schmit. Second row from left are Lana (Pajl) Stickland, Winner; Todd Pravecek, Winner; Toni Vavra, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Jill (Giessinger) Langer, Gettysburg; Jane (Mechaley) Moser, Winner; Marty Pederson, Winner and Jean (Brown) Clark, Winner. In back from left are Amy (Steppat) Meinen, Gregory; Troy Best, Ideal; Ben Risseeuw, Plankinton; Laura (Schramm) Goodhope, Sioux Falls; Sam Goodhope, Sioux Falls; Wayne Hopkins, Arlington; Jason Jares, Pierre and Dr. Tom Covey, Winner.