Madaline Watzel of the Winner FFA chapter received her state FFA degree, the highest degree in the state. She received this at the state convention held in Brookings April 24-26.
Ainsley Henderson placed third in the agriscience fair in the plant science division. She studied how magnet placement affects plant growth.
Justin Hausmann placed second in the ag communications proficiency award, an award based on his supervised agriculture experience at the local radio station.
Amanda Blare sang the national anthem before the second session.
Adam Bohnet also introduced one of the state FFA officer’s retiring address.
District officers Maggie DeMers and Rowdy Moore also led pre-session Sunday night.
Former Winner FFA member Ryder Mortenson received a $500 post secondary scholarship for former members involved in agriculture.
In the career development events, Ainsley Henderson placed 8th in floriculture.
Ag mechanics placed 21st out of 55 teams. Adam Bohnet was 37th; Andrew Henderson was 102nd, Austin Blare, 103rd and Hunter Shippy, 134.
Horse place 20th out of 45 teams. Kyla Mammen was 37th, Bailey Fairbanks was 52nd and Emily Sachtjen, 122nd.
Livestock placed 19th out of 60 teams. Rowdy Moore placed 52nd, Garret Phillips, 68th; Rylee Schroeder, 88th ad Stetson Shelbourn, 117th.
Meats placed 11th out of 25 teams. Maggie DeMers was 33rd; Clay Sell, 40th Chandler Benedict, 55th and Ryan Sell, 56th.
Vet science placed 46th out of 56 teams. Trista Kierstead, 81st; Amanda Blare, 153rd; Madaline Watzel, 183rd; Sierra McCall, 187th.