By Bosten Morehart
Staff writer
The summer lunch program in Winner will start on June 5 and run through July 14. No lunches will be served during the 4th and 5th of July.
The lunches are free to all kids 18 and under in the Winner School District. You do not need to fill out any paperwork to partake in the lunches and there will be no questions asked.
Lunches are served in the Armory Monday-Thursday from noon to 1 p.m.
The program will run congruent with Summer Rec. This allows for the kids to grab lunch right after Summer Rec or right before the pool opens.
A few changes to the program include all lunches having to be eaten inside the armory and no delivery of lunches.
For more information on the program contact Laura Root at 605-842-8101 or Melanie Bachmann at 605-842-8106