Rooster Rush

Winner is one of 23 South Dakota communities that will have extra money to promote pheasant hunting in their area thanks to Travel South Dakota’s Rooster Rush campaign.

“Rooster Rush is designed to put a spotlight on South Dakota’s pheasant hunting—the best hunting in the world,” said Jim Hagen, secretary of the South Dakota Department of Tourism. “We are proud to work with these communities and help them develop their own Rooster Rush promotions that will attract and welcome hunters.” 

The Winner Area Chamber of Commerce is using the money to welcome hunters to Tripp County and Winner.

Community organizations were given the opportunity to apply for up to $500 in funding for Rooster Rush promotional materials or advertising.

Travel South Dakota provides the Rooster Rush logo and ad templates for communities to customize with localized information.

Winner and other communities chosen will have the opportunity to enter their Rooster Rush marketing efforts for a chance to win the Cacklin’ Community Award. The award is announced at the annual governor’s conference on tourism in January.

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