A paint donation from Winner True Value will help the Winner School District. True Value donated 20 gallons of paint to the school. Pictured from left are Keven Morehart, superintendent of the Winner School District, Dan and Coleen Patmore, owners of True Value.
The Winner and Colome School Districts are able to reap the benefits of a paint program sponsored by True Value.
The Winner store donated 20 gallons of paint to both Winner and Colome schools.
“This year we were able to nominate more than one school and we were very pleased to find out both Winner and Colome schools were both awarded the grant of 20 gallons of paint each,” said Dan and Coleen Patmore, owners of Winner True Value.
Colome will use the paint for the lobby by the gym, bathroom area and hallway.
Winner will use the paint for several touchup areas in its buildings.
The paint comes from True Value Foundation’s Painting a Brighter Future program.
The paint grant can help improve learning environments and can have an impact on youth attitudes performance.
Over 1,800 schools and youth development focused organizations across the country have been awarded paint since the program’s inception in 2009, covering 22 million square feet of learning space.