Local residents comment on Trump assassination attempt

The Winner Advocate asked some local people to comment on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president.

Trump was speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday when the shots rank out.

“First and foremost we need to all extend our prayers to all who were killed and wounded in such a horrendous event,” said Jody Brozik, former Mayor of Winner

“Although this type of an incident should never happen, we live in a dark world and these events continue to occur. Precious life was finished or altered because of this tragedy.

“Thank goodness candidate for president Trump received only minor injuries in this tragedy. In our current environment this may have become a fuse to a much more painful scenario for the United States,” said Brozik.

“Looking at only the facts of the event that occurred, there needs to be a deep dive into all the failures that allowed this to happen. This was a gross negligence by several different agencies. They must be corrected.

“Measures must be taken to allow any man or woman to speak to the public during an election campaign about their thoughts and ideas for this country without fear of such evil. We the people deserve to hear all campaigns and decide which candidate is best for the future of our country in our personal opinion.

“Fair and free elections is what sets the United States of America apart as the guiding light to the world. If we fail in correcting these processes we will become a Banana Republic and our forefathers vision will be dust,” added Brozik.

Erin Tobin said the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is a deeply troubling event that highlights the urgent need for unity and civility in our country. “Such violence is an attack on our democratic principles and undermines the very fabric of our society. As Americans, we must come together to foster a culture of respect and dialogue, ensuring that political differences are resolved through a peaceful and constructive means. Only by doing so can we build a stronger, more resilient nation,” said Tobin.

Mitch Miller, public safety commissioner for the city of Winner, said he was appalled when saw the news. “I was disappointed in a lot of things. I am think we should work on improving security for Donald Trump and President Biden. There are a lot of elements in society today that are not pure. Some people have an evil intent. We need to be more strict and more thorough with our security procedures. I wish Donald Trump the best. He is a leader,” said Miller.

Tony Coffman, pastor of the Methodist Church in Winner said, “We shouldn’t be surprised something like this took place. Words matter. Things we say matter. The shooter was only 20. So, since he’s been about 10 years old he’s heard the rhetoric that Donald Trump is a dictator, evil, wants to end democracy, etc, etc. If someone isn’t stable or mature enough to understand the idea of nasty political rhetoric, those words can cause a lot of very unreasonable fear in a person.

“As a country, we need to learn to be able to disagree again and our government officials need to be examples of this kind of ideal. As long as both sides throw around such hateful language, we can expect things like this to continue.”

South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley said: “Violence of any kind, whether directed at public figures or private citizens, has no place in our society. Thank you to the law enforcement officers who rushed to protect former President Trump and those at the rally. We also extend our condolences to the families of those who have either died or have been injured as a result of the shooting.”

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