Fourteen members of the Winner FFA chapter traveled to Sioux Falls to compete in the Tri Valley Career Development Event on March 29.
All events had from 20 to 30 teams and over 100 individuals involved in each contest.
Nicole Roth, Winner FFA advisor, said every competition was very competitive.
Floriculture won first place out of 25 teams. Teresa Taylor placed first with Justin Hausmann, 3rd and Clay Sell, 34th.
Horse evaluation placed 10th out of 22 teams. Emily Sachtjen placed 18th, Tyler Brockman, 23rd; Bailey Fairbanks, 34th.
Vet science placed 13th out of 30 teams. Team members are Madaline Watzel, Meagan Blare, Trista Kierstead and Maggie DeMers.
Ag mechanics placed 23rd and team members are Adam Bohnet, Aaron Gilchrist and James Gregg.
This was the last CDE before the teams head to state convention where they will put their skills to the test one more time and be recognized for their accomplishments on April 13. The state convention will be in Rapid City.