By Dan Bechtold, Editor
Frank Finney was sworn in as the new mayor of Winner at Monday’s meeting of the Winner City Council. Finney takes over from Jess Keesis who served as mayor for six years.
The new terms of council members also started on Monday. Val Sherman rejoins the city council in Ward Two, Dave Baker in Ward One and Brad Schramm in Ward Three. Appointed to serve the one-year term in Ward One vacated by mayor Frank Finney was Isaiah Curtis.
The city presented plaques to out going mayor Keesis and to Jena Littau who served one term in Ward Two. Littau and Keesis did not run for re-election this year.
Jody Brozik was elected the president of the council and Dave Baker was named the vice president.
City council committees include:
Police commission—Frank Finney, Val Sherman and Jody Brozik
Cemetery/parks and recreation—Val Sherman, Brad Schramm and Isaiah Curtis
Utilities/street/drainage—Brad Schramm, Jody Brozik, Isaiah Curtis
Finance and ordinance—John Meyer, Sherman and Dave Baker
Insurance/Administration building and Fire Hall—Brozik, Schramm and Curtis
Union committee—Finney, Baker, Augspurger and Paul Jensen
Administrative policy/Personnel—Baker, Sherman and Meyer
Emergency Management/Airport—Brozik, Schramm and Baker
Third District Planning/Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development—Finney and Meyer
Housing/County Relations—Finney
Senior Citizens—Finney