The Clovervale 4-H club met at 6 p.m. on Feb. 6 in the community room of the courthouse.
Allie Littau led the American flag pledge and Evan Littau led the 4-H pledge. The roll call question was “What 4-H activity are you most excited for?” and there were 14 members present. Melanie Brozik read the secretary’s report and Joey Anderson read the treasurer’s report. We spent money on candy and thank yous for our appreciation gifts to our supporting businesses and individuals. For old business: we bought a bouquet for Roger Myers as he was the past leader of the Clovervale 4-H club.
Bailey Fairbanks competed in horse quiz bowl at the Black Hills Stock Show and placed 11th as an individual and 3rd as a team, Peyton Sargent competed as an individual in horse quiz bowl, and Rowdy Moore showed off his auctioning skills.
For new business: we met Jamie Wolf, who is the new 4-H youth advisor in the extension office. Beef weigh-in are Feb. 18, from 10-11 am. Clay Sell, Melanie Brozik, Kendyl Bachmann, and Leah Wiechelman will be helping with a ceramic painting workshop on Feb. 24 at the 4-H center.
The Youth in Action public presentation county contest is March 17 and YQCA does not have a date yet and it may have to be done online. Horse safety is April 10 at 4 pm and you must do this in order to show a horse. The Rapid City Rush game is March 17 and you must provide your own transportation if you would like to go. The State 4-H newsletter called “Everything Friday” gives all the due dates for things and events around the state. This is statewide and not county specific. You can sign up to receive this newsletter. We looked at some possible spring dates to help out at the Historical Society. Khloe Briggs and Clay Sell discussed their community service project: Paws for a Cause. This community project helps dogs and cats. Donation boxes will be placed in Runnings and Ace. People can put supplies in the donation boxes or drop them off at the 4-H extension office. This project runs through April and donations will be given to the Gregory shelter (Rescue’s Unlimited) and Winner Animal Clinic.
The next meeting date is March 6 at 5:30 pm. The meeting was adjourned, and we made Valentine’s Day cards to be given to the elderly.