Sherman Signs at DSU

Dakota State University volleyball head coach Amy Veenhof announces the signing of Tawny Sherman of Winner.

Sherman will graduate from Winner High School and will continue her education and volleyball career at Dakota State University.

Sherman, 5-11 middle hitter, was an all-conference player in the Big Dakota Conference and all-tournament team in the Big Dakota Conference tournament. She was selected to the defensive player of the year with 39 blocks in 2013.

Sherman was an integral member of the Winner volleyball team that finished runner-up in the Class A state tournament in 2013. She accumulated a total of 448 kills including 128 kills during her senior season. She had 122 career blocks.

Warriors defeat Platte-Geddes

sam naasz


Winner High School boys basketball team improved its record as they defeated Platte-Geddes 63-49 on Feb. 17.

The Warriors led 28-17 at the  half and led 44-28 at the end of the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, Platte-Geddes narrowed the score as they pulled within six points, 49-43.

The free throw line was big in the final quarter for the Warriors. Sam Naasz, Lattrell Terkildsen and Nate Galbraith all hit big free throws. With 1:15 left in the game, Terkildsen made two free throws to give Winner a 59-48 advantage.

“We are proud of our student athletes for showing resolve and battling in a fun atmosphere,” said coach Brett Gardner. “Platte is a tremendous team and we were able to defend and rebound and come away with a nice victory.”


Lady Warriors Getting Hot

bertram mclaughlin game

Winner High School girls basketball team defeated Platte/Geddes 60-38 on Feb. 12.

The Lady Warriors led 13-6 at the end of the first quarter.

“First half we really struggled putting the ball through the hoop but the girls turned it around after half time and we ended up shooting 58 percent in the second half,” said coach Larry Aaker.

Kelsey Bertram scored 17 points, Bailey Volmer, 13 and Sydney Fritz, 11.

The Lady Warriors traveled to McLaughlin on Friday and came home with a 73-62 victory.

“This was a quality win for our girls,” said Aaker. “You could tell that our legs were a little tired from playing the night before but the girls battled all game long. This is the kind of determination that we wanted to see from our girls this close to the post season play.”
Bertram scored 23 points with Volmer adding 21, Fritz, 11 and Tawny Sherman, 8.

Wrestlers Place 8th at Huron

kayleb brpzol huron meet

Winner Area wrestling team placed 8th at the Huron tournament on Saturday.

Six WHS wrestles placed.

Tyrel Haley took second place as he lost in the finals to Nolan Richie of Webster. Haley was pinned in 37 seconds.

Jimmy Sharkey took third place as he pinned Dexter Gaikowski, Watertown, in 3:35.

Fifth place went to Cameron Biggins, Kayleb Brozik and Cohl Turnqusit.

Biggins won by major decision 8-0 over Jeremiah Palmer of Sturgis.

Brozik won 7-0 over Dylan Bludorn, Brandon Valley and Turnquist won by injury default over Logan Richie of Webster.

Taylor Watzel took sixth place as he lost 15-0 to Ryan Chase of Huron.

“The team came out and wrestled with a lot of energy in the first couple of rounds. We were able to get four into the semifinals in another tough tournament,” said coach Matt Chambers. “We lost some close matches in the middle that could have gone either way. Hopefully, we can take this experience of being in close matches into the regional tournament next weekend. We have been wrestling at a much higher level over the last couple of weeks and we will need to continue to improve this week for a very tough region,” said the coach.

The regional tournament will be held Saturday, Feb. 21, in Parkston starting at 10 a.m.

Wrestlers Travel to Three Tournaments

usa state wrest 3 wrest;esThree Winner AAU youth wrestlers placed at the USA state wrestling tournament Sunday in Huron.

Maxton Brozik and Kaden Keiser both took first place. Riley Orel placed fourth.

Placing Sunday in the Wall tournament were Konner Osborn, 1st and Kaleb Osborn, 2nd

Several youth placed in Chamberlain on Sunday, Feb. 15.

Chamberlain results include:

6 and under—Rouken Robbins and Legend Benedict, both 1st and Hudson Peters, 4th

7-8—Rylan Robbins and Kylah Biggins, both 3rd and Hunter Kahler, 4th

9-10—Kellen Brozik, 1st; Keegan Biggins,2nd; Payton Fisher, 3rd, Evan Bartels and Coy Assman, both 4th

11-12—Gavin Tucker, 3rd and Kamryn Meek, 4th

13-14—Trevor Peters and Cailob Week, both 1st

Winner First in AAU Dual Tournament

parker mathius

Winner took first place in the Winner Youth AAU duals held Friday in the Armory. Teams from Western Edge, Wagner, Todd County and Platte/Kimball competed in addition to the host Winner.

Second place trophy went to Platte/Kimball/White Lake and third to Western Edge.

Winner defeated Todd County 80-6. Victories went to: Hudson Peters, Kylah Biggins, Konner Osborn, Maxton Brozik, Karson Keiser, Kaleb Osborn, Parker Mathis, Kaden Keiser, Riley Orel, Joey Cole, Xavier Cadotte, Aaron Gilchrist, Owen Duffy and Achilles Willuweit.

Winner defeated Platte/ Kimball/White Lake 41-36. Victories went to: Kylah Biggins, Konner Osborn, Maxton Brozik, Karson Keiser, Kaleb Osborn, Kaden Keiser, Xavier Cadotte, Aaron Gilchrist and Achilles Willuweit.

Winner defeated Western Edge 72-14. Winner team picking up victories were: Rylan Robbins, Kylah Biggins, Konner Osborn, Maxton Brozik, Karson Keiser, Kaleb Osborn, Kaden Keiser, Riley Orel, Xavier Cadotte, Aaron Gilchrist, Owen Duffy and Achilles Willuweit.

Winner defeated Wagner 58-23. Winner team with victories were: Rylan Robbins, Konner Osborn, Maxton Brozik, Kaleb Osborn, Kaden Keiser, Riley Orel, Xavier Cadotte, Joey Cole, Aaron Gilchrist, Owen Duffy and Achilles Willuweit.winner aau 1st place

Thieman Scores 27 Points in Colome Win

holden thieman


Colome boys basketball team defeated North Central 60-51 on Feb. 10.

The Cowboys led 21-18 at the end of the first quarter.

Holden Thieman led Colome with 27 points and Reed Harter added 17.

“This was a very exciting and difficult game. North Central plays a very tough, physical brand of basketball and I was really proud of how our boys rose to the challenge,” said coach Drew Weber.