Daughters Wins Two Awards in Art Show


Shirley Daughters Hamill won two awards at the SDHCA Dakota Masterworks art show Nov. 3-4 in Sioux Falls.

The show features art created by artists age 60 and older who are South Dakota residents.

This year’s show included more than 190 entries, making it one of the largest Dakota MasterWorks ever.

Daughters won third place for her drawing of an old stone house and she received an honorable mention for a drawing of her mother and her brother, Larry. The title of the honorable mention piece was “An apple shared.”

The Hamill artist has won numerous awards at this art show. In past years, she has also been the people’s choice winner at this show.

“The SDHCA Dakota MasterWorks art show is about highlighting the remarkable artistic accomplishments by older South Dakotans,” said LuAnn Severson, art show coordinator.

“Aging does not mean giving up our creativity, inspiration and talent.”

Categories included watercolor painting, oil painting, acrylic painting, drawing/pastels, photography, sculpture and wood carving.
First, second and third, best of show and people’s choice will be on exhibit at the Ramkota Hotel in Pierre during the SDHCA legislative reception on Jan. 24, 2017.


DSU Makes Student Teaching Assignments


Dakota State University student Sharee Galbraith is student teaching during the fall semester in Harrisburg. Galbraith is an elementary education/special education major from Winner.

To be accepted into the teacher education program, students must maintain a 2.6 cumulative grade point average and a 2.7 in their major. They must successfully pass the Praxis Pre-Professional Skills Test and the Praxis content exam in their area of preparation, and successfully complete all coursework and field experiences.  Candidates work in multi-cultural settings, special education classrooms, regular education classrooms, and volunteer settings with K-12 children prior to acceptance into student teaching.

The majority of student teachers are placed in districts within a 60-mile radius of Madison.

FFA Teams Advance to State


Winner High School FFA took 27 students to the district leadership development event with 16 advancing to the state contest which will be held in Pierre Dec. 4-5.

The district event was held in Mitchell on Nov. 14.

In individual events, the district sends the top 3 and in team events the district sends the top 2 teams to state.

Winner individuals advancing to state are:
Ag broadcasing—John Kludt, 1st
Creed speaking—Abigail Pajl, 2nd
Extemporaneous speaking—Matthew Hartley, 2nd
Prepared public speaking—Katy Lantz, 3rd

Teams advancing to state are: Senior parliamentary procedure, 2nd, Alex Schaeffer, Matt Hartley, Luke Hennebold, Kayleb Brozik, Nick Blare Casey Stickland and Elijah Blare

Ag issues, 2nd, Daesha Klein Ronae Klein, Kayla Bachmann, Luke Hennebold, Sam Marts, Avery Gilchrist and Payton Antoine.

The alternate team was the junior parli procedure team made up of Abigail Pajl, Ryder Mortenson, Heather Rowe, Dawson Phillips, Phillip Jorgensen, Joren Bruun and Loren Moeller.

Elected District IV treasurer was Luke Hennebold.

Parade of Lights

parade fire dept

It is time to start thinking about entering a float in the Winner Area Chamber of Commerce Parade of Lights. 
The annual holiday event will be held Saturday, Nov. 26 at 6:30 p.m. on Main Street.

Persons are asked to call the Chamber by Nov. 23 with their entry. First place will win $300, second place $200, 3rd place, $100 and people’s choice, $100.

Prior to the start of the parade, there will be events all afternoon. There will be photos with Santa, face painting, minnow races, wine tasting, Moon Lake Ranch Reindeer, free movie at the Pix Theater and horse and wagon rides.

Community Welcomes Homes State Champions


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Sunday evening fans welcomed home the Winner Warriors the Class 11B champions.

Two days earlier the WHS football team played a dominating game in the DakotaDome as they defeated Groton area 54-0.
It was the ninth shut out for the Warriors who set WHS school history by being the first team to win back to back state titles.

The Warriors have finished the past two years with a perfect 24-0 record.

Coach Dan Aaker said the seniors ended their career with a 41-3 record.

He said this team is the most dominating that he has witnessed. Over these two seasons they have outscored their opponents 1206 to 61.

The coach said this team was both humble and hungry.
“I could not be prouder of these guys not just as football players but who they have become. I have watched them grow into young men who play for each other and who care for each other. This group is a true team,” said Aaker.

As the welcome home concluded, Aaker said “What a ride this has been. This is a once in a lifetime event and I will remember this forever.”

Aaker Named “Region Coach of the Year”


Dan Aaker, Winner High School football coach, has been named the Region 8 coach of the year.

Aaker guided the Warriors to a state championship this year in Class 11B.

Aaker has coached in Winner for 15 years and his record of 135-32.

Last year Aaker was the Region 8 coach of the year and the South Dakota football coach of the year.

Aaker has led the Winner team to its first back to back football championships.

Scrub Camp Provides Emphasis on Healthcare


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Forty-one high school students had the opportunity to experience first hand the challenges, opportunities and rewards of the health careers.
These students from five school districts attended a day long Scrubs Camp in Winner on Nov. 4.

Scrub Camps are designed to increase awareness, interest and understanding of health careers.

The camp is put on the South Dakota Department of Health Office of Rural Health.

Winner Regional Healthcare Center was the coordinator with Sharon Naasz, RN, serving as the point of contact person in Winner.
In addition to Winner, Naasz said other school districts attending were Colome, Todd County, Gregory and South Central.

Naasz pointed out the three critical areas of learning were in CNA, nursing and EMTs since there is a shortage in these healthcare fields.
Students also heard from a nurse practitioner and physical therapy.

The two FARM students who are working in Winner also spoke to the high school students.

A focus has been placed on high school graduates who can replace the retirees in the workforce and continue to provide quality healthcare services across the state.

It is estimated that between now and 2020 it’s projected there will be a need for a 17 percent increase in healthcare workers in South Dakota.

Vets Day Program Planned for Nov. 10

A Winner school/community veterans day program will be held on Thursday, Nov. 10 in the Winner Armory at 10 a.m.

Winner High School and middle school student council are sponsoring the event and invite all veterans and the public to attend.

Chloe Bartels, student council president and Samantha Schuyler, student council vice president, will give the welcome.

Voice of Democracy speeches will be given by high school and middle school students.

The Winner High School band and chorus will perform.

The POW/MIA ceremony will be presented by Abby Marts and Casey Stickland.

The recognition of veterans will be conducted by the 7th grade student council.

Coffee and cookies will be served following the program.

Immediately following the program in the Armory, the Winner Legion Auxiliary and the Winner VFW Auxiliary will host a soup and sandwich luncheon at the Winner Legion.

The kindergarten students will sing for the veterans at the Legion.