Blood drive held

LifeServe Blood Center held a blood drive in Winner on May 24 and May 25. Fifty-four donors were able to donate and 68 units of life saving blood was collected. The units donated can help save up to 204 lives.

Milestone donors at this drive were Lisa Halverson and Steve Sondegaard.

Ruth Farnsworth and the Southern Belle Cattlewomen coordinated this blood drive.

LifeServe has a student scholarship program. LifeServe will award up to $500 in scholarship funds to students who organize a successful blood drive during the summer (Memorial Day to Labor Day) or winter (December and January). To be eligible for the scholarship students must recruit donors, act as the chairperson and register 25 donors ($250 awarded) or 40 donors ($500 awarded). Individual scholarships are offered to any student seeking a higher level of education.

The next blood drive will be July 19 from 10:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and July 20 from noon to 5:30 p.m. at the Winner city office.

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