Evelyn (Kalenda) Slouka was born February 6, 1931 on the family farm near Jordan to Joseph and Alice (Vrbsky) Kalenda. She was the 2nd of 8 children. During the 1940’s the family moved to the farm south of Winner.
Evelyn attended the Vobr school through the 8th grade. She then helped out on the family farm doing housework, tending the garden and canning vegetables. She always helped milking cows and taking care of the pigs and her chickens, ducks, and geese. She was always busy. She even helped neighbors clean house. She always said she enjoyed washing dishes after they got electricity and running water. Before you had to carry water into the house, fire up the wood cook store to get the water hot, wash dishes and carry the water out. Now you only have to turn on the faucet. She still loved washing dishes up to this day.
Evelyn had to become a caregiver early. When she was 16 her mother came down with rheumatic fever. Evelyn nursed her back to health while looking after the rest of the family, the youngest being 6.
On February 10, 1970 she was united in marriage to Robert Slouka. To this union 1 son was born. She worked on the farm with her husband and her son until Robert’s health faded. She continued to help her son on the farm to this day, still gardening and taking care of her chickens.
Evelyn loved to garden and can. She would always give canned jelly and vegetables away. She loved dancing in her younger years and would always join in family card games. In later years she wore out many decks playing solitaire. Crocheting was also a hobby she enjoyed. She was very proud of her crochet pillowcases she gave away as graduation gifts. Her homemade Angel Food Cake and popcorn balls were always a party favorite.
Evelyn struggled with different health issues later in life but was always able to overcome them. She spent more than her fair share of time in hospitals.