The Pheasants Forever banquet will be held Oct. 23 at the middle school auditorium. This is a new location from past banquets. Happy hour and games will start at 5:30 p.m. and a dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. Following the dinner will be an auction and it is estimated there will be 65 to 70 guns raffled off.
With COVID-19 there will be some modifications to the banquet. Games will be spread out and some games will be eliminated so there will not be a lot of crowding. Tables for the banquet will be spread out to provide for social distancing. There will be hand sanitizer at gaming tables and other areas. The banquet is a major fundraiser for the local chapter of Pheasants Forever.
Tickets are available at Statewide Ag, Farmers Union Insurance, Mathis Implement, any board member and at the door.