Denice Novotny, 50 years Animal Clinic

By Bosten Morehart

Staff writer

The variety in the job makes it easy to stay at your job for 50 years, along with those who you work with.

Denice Novotny has worked at the Animal Clinic for 50 years and has been working there ever since she was in high school.  She started working there in 1973 as a DECA student in high school.

When she signed up to be a DECA student the job was offered to her and that is how she began working at the Animal Clinic. She is the office manager and has several different responsibilities with that.

Before working there, she had no experience with office work nor working at an animal clinic. The only experience she had with animals was living on the farm and being around cattle, not so much working with them but being around them.

The main responsibility of Novotny as the office manager is doing all of the bookkeeping. She also works with customers, does some scheduling, answers phone calls.

What has kept her working there so long is “the variety,” as she says there is something different every day. Even though there is not a lot of variety within the bookkeeping, she mentioned that the variety in the customers, learning about and seeing different pets, makes it easy to keep working there.

Her favorite part of working at the Animal Clinic is all of the people from the customers to her co-workers. Her favorite memory she has made working there is being around and working with all of the different people during the time she has worked there.

She has worked with 40 different people and 12 different veterinarians. She has worked with several different doctors in her time from the start until now.

When she started there, she was working with Dr. Pravecek and Dr. Hausmann. The next set of doctors she worked with were Dr. Voegeli, Dr. Owen, Dr. Heath. She is now currently working with Dr. Covey, Dr. Rawlings, Dr. Swift, Dr. Jorgensen.

From when she started up until 1988 Novotny did all of her bookwork by hand until they switched to computers in 1988. She worked in the old clinic until 2010 when they moved to the new clinic.

She does not plan to work anywhere else and plans to work at the Animal Clinic until retiring.

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