Colome school opens Aug. 12

Classes in the Colome School District will begin on Aug. 12.

Classes will run Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3:32 p.m. This is the second year of a four day school week for students in Colome.

The big news is the new addition to the school will be open. This will include some of the middle school, all of the high school and administration offices. It is connected to the elementary school and the gym. The school will now be one unit.

There will be no classes in the old building.

New paraprofessionals this year will be Jen Dougherty, elementary/title, Isabell Thieman, elementary special education, Liz Smith, k-12 special education.

Lori Haukaas will be the elementary special education teacher.

Some elementary teachers will be changing to new grades. Shelby Hrabanek will teach first grade, Katie Richey, second grade and Teresa Lincoln will teach both third and fourth grade.

 Isabell Thieman will be in charge of the After School program. This will run Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 6 p.m. This is for students kindergarten to fourth grade. The cost is $3 a day or $10 per week.

There will be bussing available to and from Buches Ace Hardware in Winner. The bus will pickup students at the parking lot of Ace Hardware at 7:25 a.m. and after school drop them off around 4 p.m.

New enrollment students are to contact the office at 605-842-1624 to register.

It is estimated the enrollment for this year will be around 145 students K-12.

The teacher in-service will be Aug. 7-8. The welcome back picnic and open house will be held Aug. 8.

This year homecoming is set for Sept. 6.

There will be a new sport available in Colome which has been sanctioned by the South Dakota High School Activities Association. It is esports and drone racing.

Esports has been surging in popularity the past decade.

Twenty South Dakota high schools started esports pilot programs for the 2023-2024 season.

This fall will be the first year in South Dakota and it will go into December and January.

Samantha West, K-12 principal, said last year a student survey was taken to see if there would be any interest. She explained about half of the middle school and high school students indicated they would be interested.

The Colome School Board voted to add esports as a new sport to the school.

Teams play against each other virtually in school computer labs in matches coordinated by North Dakota based Fenworks.

This sport will have a state tournament in March.

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