McIntyre Retires after 31 Years

tevis mcintyre retirement from winner regional

Tevis McIntyre retired Oct. 30 from Winner Regional Healthcare Center after 31 years of service.

He started at Winner Regional in December of 1984. He started as a night watchman as no doors to the facility were locked back then.  As he proved his worth as a night watchman, there was not much to watch any longer so he was given a list of things to do at night like changing light bulbs. This is how his role in the maintenance department began.

McIntyre says the highlight of working at Winner Regional was the good people he worked with. “I enjoyed it or I would not have stayed,” he said. “I might not have gotten it all done but there is always something to do.”
 He hopes to spend more time in Arizona in the winter.

Oral Interp Competes

oral intermp in yankton

Winner Oral Interp team members traveled to Yankton for the Lewis & Clark Invitational competition.

Those competing in Poetry were Taylor Audiss and Megan Brozik. In Serious were Kallie Foudray, Shannon Duffy, Korrina Willams, Eleanor Moleterno, Taylor Audiss and Emily Moser. In Oratory were Shannon Duffy and Kenzie Irick.

Readers Theater included Kenzie Irick, Emily Moser, Eleanor Moleterno and Janine Bartels. Next for the Oral Interp team is the local elimination contest.  The local elimination contest is to see which selections will advance to the Region contest held Nov. 16th at Cedar Shores in Oacoma.  Local eliminations will take place November 6, 2015 at 7pm in the Winner Community Playhouse.

FCCLA Members Attend Leadership Training

FCCLA Fall Leadership2015

The South Dakota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recently held the 2015 Fall Leadership Training at the Crossroads Hotel in Huron, South Dakota. The theme for the event was “FCCLA: EmPower – MePower.” The theme speaks to making the right choices and committing yourself to making a positive impact within your family, your school, FCCLA and your community. The logo shows the reverse “MePower” to illustrate that the power to affect this change lies within us all.

Students were challenged to improve their communication and leadership skills in today’s workforce arena. Two students from Winner High School FCCLA joined over 300 FCCLA members from across the state on October 4-5 to participate in Rookie Camp, Power Training, State Officer Training, or State Leadership Team Training. Rookie Training attendees learned about National Programs, Star Events and basic information about FCCLA. Power Training incorporated dynamic leadership activities, team building activities, Knowledge Bowl, and various National Program presentations that expanded students’ knowledge of FCCLA. State Leadership Team members were trained and identified the 2015-2016 State FCCLA service projects. The SD FCCLA Current Trends Leadership Team has chosen the national program, Student Body, as its current issue for the 2015-2016 school year. The Trends Team will use the Student Body National Program and focus on physical, mental, emotional, and social health of teenagers and their families.

The National Outreach Team chose to focus on a national focus, Lead2Feed. This service learning program nurtures a new generation of leaders while working to end local and global hunger. Abi Leyden, FCCLA State Officer, assisted with training for Rookie Training participants. Molly Connot attended State Leadership Team training and planning. They are members of the Winner FCCLA Chapter. Kris Brockhoft, local FCCLA adviser, attended the training and presented adviser workshops Rookie Training sessions.

FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and was first established in 1945 and in South Dakota in 1946. Family serves as the central focus of this organization. This career and technical student organization prepares youth to assume their adult roles in society as wage earners, community leaders, and caring family members by giving them important life skills needed to thrive in their families, careers and communities.

Two Compete at State Meet


Two Tripp County 4-H shooters competed at the state 4-H muzzleloader match held at the Mitchell Trap Club in Mitchell.
Megyn McCarthy placed first in the junior division. Shannon Weller placed 6th in the senior division and she qualified to be on South Dakota’s muzzleloader team to compete at the national 4-H championships next June in Grand Island, Neb.

Colombe’s Colome



By Bernie Hunhoff of the S.D. Magazine

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and a good steak a week keeps an entire town happy.  At least, that’s true for Colome, a cowboy enclave surviving nicely on the Tripp County prairie sea of grass and corn.

About 150 diners gather in a green metal building known as the Thayer-Waters American Legion Club every Thursday night for steaks, salads and neighborly talk. Steak Night, as it’s called, has grown to become an unusual community tradition.

Colome is in south central South Dakota, a half hour’s drive north of the Nebraska border. A dozen businesses operate there, and their names tell something about the town: Frontier Bar, Feed Mill (the local café), the Sign Inn and Scott’s Welding, for examples.  Anchoring Main Street is the stately Veterans Memorial Stadium, built to honor local World War II soldiers, where teens practice basketball.  North of the big gray gym is the Legion Club, where the aforementioned steaks are fried.

“Steak night is an institution,” says Fran Hill, a local rancher, writer and food blogger who has helped with the event. “It’s almost all volunteer, only the cook and the bartender and a barmaid are paid.” The helpers bring salads, wait tables and wash dishes.

Statuary welcomes guests to St. Isidore Catholic Church. Isidore is the paton saint of farmers.

richrd papousek with colome story

Penning Joins Staff at First Fidelity Bank

amy penning

Amy Penning is the new loan officer at First Fidelity Bank of Winner. The Lennox native started her job on Oct. 13.

Penning is married to Ryan Penning who works at Mason Funeral Home of Winner.  Amy Penning graduated from Lennox High School in 2009. She received an animal science degree from South Dakota State University in 2013. She has minors in business, marketing and chemistry.

In 2014, Penning received an associate’s degree in marketing from Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls.  Prior to moving to Winner, she worked in the development office at McCrossan Boys Ranch in Sioux Falls.  Penning’s father is a veterinarian in Lennox. While in school she was active in Future Farmers of America and 4-H.

The new bank employee says she is learning a lot about her new position.

Gov. Daugaard Proclaims Great Sioux Horse Effigy Day in South Dakota

sioux horse effigy

PIERRE, S.D. – During an event at the South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre on Monday, Oct. 12, celebrating both Native American Day and the return of the Great Sioux Horse Effigy, Gov. Dennis Daugaard released a proclamation making that day Great Sioux Horse Effigy Day across South Dakota.

The proclamation honors the return of the iconic effigy from its international touring exhibition “The Plains Indians: Artists of Earth & Sky” back to its home in South Dakota. Monday’s special event at the Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre includes an open house from 1-4 p.m. CDT, and a special ceremony beginning at 2 p.m. with Lt. Gov. Matt Michels serving as the emcee. Speakers during the ceremony include: Secretary Steve Emery, South Dakota Department of Tribal Relations; Kevin Gover, director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.; Gaylord Torrence, the Fred & Virginia Merrill senior curator of American Indian Art at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City; and Francis Whitebird, board of trustees, South Dakota State Historical Society.

Spiritual Leader Roy Stone of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe lead a cleansing ceremony and prayer following the guest speaker comments.

“We thank Gov. Daugaard for his proclamation honoring the Great Sioux Hose Effigy,” said Jay D. Vogt, director of the State Historical Society. All of the events, with the exception of the Sunday night banquet which requires advance ticket purchase, are free and open to the public.

The Great Sioux Horse Effigy went back on display at the Cultural Heritage Center on Saturday, Oct. 10, in a new display which features horse memorials borrowed from the State Historical Society of North Dakota and the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI). The loan from NMAI marks the first object borrowed from the Smithsonian Institution since the State Historical Society became a Smithsonian Affiliate in January 2013.

tom tobin and jay vogt

Pheasants Forever Banquet is Oct. 23

Rosebud Chapter Pheasants Forever banquet will be held Friday, Oct. 23, at St. Mary’s Hall in Winner.

The happy hour, raffle and games will start at 5:30 p.m. The prime rib dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m.   There will be over 60 guns raffled off during the banquet.  Featured auction items will be an English setter puppy, a Labrador puppy.  There will be original paintings by John Green, Mark Anderson and local artist Nelson Chasing Hawk.
Also auction off will be an art creation made by Nolan Benzing, the new S.D. Farm Bill biologist in Winner.

Tickets are available at BankWest, Statewide Ag, Farmers Union Insurance, Mathis Implement, any board member or at the door.

14 Students to Attend National FFA Convention

Fourteen members of the Winner High School chapter of Future Farmers of America will attend the national convention in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 27-Nov.1.

The students attending will be Kenzie Bachmann, Elijah Blare, Kayleb Brozik, Bethany Cable, Shea Connot, Calah Covey, Payton Eagle, Avery Gilchrist, Trace Larson, Sydnie Peters, Casey Stickland, Logan Tunnissen, Savanah Vogel and Brandon Volmer.  Also attending will be FFA advisor Wyatt DeJong.

The Winner group will be traveling with the Parkston and Platte/Geddes FFA chapters.

Dance Team Takes First

cheer pyramid in faulkton

Winner High School dance team won first place at the Faulkton competition on Oct. 12.

“It was great to see a couple of different teams, Northwestern and Clark-Willow Lake, competing in the dance division,” said coach Cyndy DeMers.  She explained it was a close contest in both the kick and pom categories. “We scored very well with our hip hop dance. The girls did the best they have done this season, but we know that this is the time of year that we need to keep improving,” said DeMers.