Area Ranchers Rank High in Angus Association


Raven Angus of Colome ranked second largest in registering the most Angus beef cattle in South Dakota with the American Angus Association.

Jorgensen Ranches of Ideal ranked as the third largest and Roger and Shelly Joseph, Winner, ranked as the sixth largest in registering the most Angus cattle in South Dakota with the American Angus Association.

Angus breeders across the nation in 2016 registered 334,607 head of Angus cattle. “Our growth this fiscal year continues to demonstrate strong demand for Angus genetics and solidifies our long-held position as a leader in the beef cattle industry,” said Allen Moczygemba, association chief executive officer.

Cheer Team Wins First in Faulkton


The Winner High School competitive cheer team traveled to Faulkton on Oct. 10 and came home with first place.

“This is usually a great competition for us and it gives us a chance to go up against some of the best teams in the state, most importantly Sioux Valley, who have been the state champion in Class A since competitive cheer became a sport in South Dakota,” said coach Val Ewing.

Winner won the Faulkton meet with a score of 146. Faulkton was second with a 136.5 and Sioux Valley was third, 134.5.  Ewing said when Faulkton was announced as second place the Winner girls went wild.

“They have worked so hard all year and it was nice to see them come out on top,” said Ewing.

Log Home Located in Heart of Pheasant Country


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Nestled in the corner of a dam at Curtis Landscaping and Design is a piece of heaven and Winner’s newest hunting lodge.

A two store log building is the home of Canada Goose Lodge. The 2500 square foot structure is located in the heart of pheasant hunting country.  There will be a grand opening at the lodge at 1257 Country Club Road on Oct. 14, the day before the pheasant season opener.

Wilcox Named Modern Woodmen Hometown Hero


Vicki Condon, financial representative for Modern Woodmen, honored Judy Wilcox for her outstanding volunteer service in the community.
Wilcox received the Hometown Hero award.

Wilcox has spent countless hours working with veterans projects and the American Legion Auxiliary.

Wilcox was presented an appreciation award along with a donation to her selected charity. She has chosen the Winner American Legion Auxiliary, state president Melanie Martens project to receive her donation. The donation will go towards a PA system at the new vets home in Hot Springs.

As a fraternal financial services organization, Modern Woodmen is dedicated to improving the quality of life for families and their communities.

Gov. Daugaard Appoints Bobbi Rank As Sixth Circuit Judge


Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced that he will appoint Bobbi J. Rank as a circuit court judge in South Dakota’s Sixth Judicial Circuit.

“I thank Bobbi Rank for taking on this important responsibility,” said Gov. Daugaard. “I have personally witnessed Bobbi’s diligence, work ethic and commitment to the judicial system. I know she will be an excellent circuit judge.”

Rank and her family will relocate to her hometown of Winner to succeed Judge Kathleen Trandahl, who is retiring later this week. The Sixth Circuit includes Bennett, Gregory, Haakon, Hughes, Hyde, Jackson, Jones, Lyman, Mellette, Potter, Stanley, Sully, Todd and Tripp counties.
Rank is the daughter of Bob and Judy Benson of Winner.

“I thank Gov. Daugaard for his confidence in appointing me to this position,” said Rank. “I am thrilled and honored to be given the opportunity to serve as a judge in this circuit and in my home community. I will work hard to serve the people of South Dakota and to administer justice fairly.”

Rank grew up on her family’s ranch south of Winner and is a graduate of Winner High School. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of South Dakota and her law degree from the University of Nebraska College of Law.

For the past five years, Rank has served as general counsel to the South Dakota Department of Education. Prior to that, she served for eight years as an assistant attorney general in the offices of Attorneys General Larry Long and Marty Jackley. Rank also spent three years in private practice at May, Adam, Gerdes & Thompson in Pierre, and was a law clerk for the Sixth Judicial Circuit.

Rank served as a commissioner of the South Dakota State Bar from 2009 to 2012 and is currently the vice president of the National Council of State Education Agency Attorneys. She served in 2012 on the Governor’s Open Government Task Force. Rank has also been active in Central South Dakota Teen Court, Junior Achievement, the United Way and the South Dakota Discovery Center.

Rank and her husband, Scott, have two children. They are members of the First United Methodist Church.

Benzing Looks for a Good Pheasant Season


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Nolan Benzing has a year under his belt to experience the thrill of pheasant hunting in Tripp County.  Benzing is the Pheasants Forever farm bill biologist who is stationed in Winner.  The Iowa native has settled into living in Winner and is busy helping farmers and ranchers with habitat issues.

Benzing says Game, Fish and Parks has estimated pheasant numbers will be down 20 percent in Tripp County.

Pheasants Forever Banquet is Oct. 21


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

The Rosebud Chapter of Pheasants Forever is making plans for its big Pheasants Forever banquet which will be held on Friday, Oct. 21 at St. Mary’s Hall in Winner.

The happy hour and raffles will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. with a prime rib dinner served at 7:30 p.m. An auction will follow.

Mike Scott, president of the local chapter, says persons attending the banquet will be able to see the newly remodeled St. Mary’s Hall. There will be more space this year to seat additional guests.

There will be over 70 guns raffled off during the banquet. There will be a variety of auction items including Pheasants Forever prints.

Persons Express Views on Technical Education


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

An informational meeting was held Sunday afternoon in Winner to discuss plans for a hands-on technical education program.

The group decided to begin with apprenticeship type training immediately at the local level.

Then, in a year, develop a post secondary technical entity with its own 501 (c) 3 non profit status and its own board of directors. Partnerships could be formed with technical schools with a satellite location in Winner.

Chuck Noble, who chaired the meeting, said this new adventure is all about choices. “What choices do we want in Winner” he asked.

Barry Grossenburg noted a director needs to be hired who will lead this effort and help write grants.

Some audience members asked if Winner wanted to provide community education or be a technical school, since both are two totally different educational avenues.

Freya Simpson of the Tripp County Library said persons should not forget senior citizens who would like to take classes. She noted there is special interest among senior citizens in taking computer classes.

Persons will work with the South Central Development Corporation to begin offering programs that would offer specific skill-based training.

Richard Papousek of Colome explained the consortium that teaches technical classes to high school students in Colome, Gregory, Burke and Bonesteel. Papousek teaches the building construction class which is building a house in Bonesteel. Last year this class built a home in Colome.

Doug Wiken explaind that the late Lowden Heller of Ideal served in the South Dakota Legislature when the vocational-technical schools were formed. Wiken added Gov. Dennis Daugaard is a big supporter of technical education.

Wiken said this is an education and economic opportunity for the area.

Persons at the meeting said as the group moves forward housing will be an issue.

In future meetings, persons from Yankton and Pierre will talk to the group to explain the logistics of setting up a program.

No date has been set for the next meeting.

SD Archery Team Competes at National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships


Wade McClanahan, a Tripp County 4-H archery shooter, competed with the South Dakota Recurve Archery Team at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships in Grand Island, Nebraska from June 26 through July 1. The three competition days included Field Target Shooting, FITA Target Shooting and a competitive 3-D Course. The three person team was made up of Brandon Haber from Beadle County, Michael Beusch from Brown County and Wade McClanahan from Tripp County. The South Dakota Recurve Team was coached by Kevin Haber.

This year was the largest participation ever with 679 participants from 36 states. The boys had a very successful competition. Their team place 4th in the Field Competition with Haber in 12th place, Beusch in 13th place, and McClanahan in 16th place individually.

In the FITA Competition the South Dakota team placed 3rd. McClanahan was 8th individually with Beusch in 13th place and Haber in 19th place.

After a very challenging 3-D course on competition day three, they came in at 7th place as a team. McClanahan ended in 13th place, Haber in 27th place and Beusch in 28th place.

Overall for the week, South Dakota placed 6th as a team, McClanahan 11th Beusch 19th and Haber 21st individually.

The boys qualified for the national shoot by competing at the state shoot in Pierre last April doing both indoor targets and at the outdoor 3-D range. Tripp County 4-H Shooting Sports practices weekly from January through the state match in late April. For questions about 4-H Archery contact the Tripp County Extension Office at 605-842-2858.