WHS Honor Roll

Honor – Chloe Bartels, Amanda Boerner, Bethany Cable, Drew DeMers, Shannon Duffy, Luke Engel, Wyatt Ewing, Brea Heth, Sydney Hollenbeck, Kenzie Irick, Skyler Jermolenko, Chase Kingsbury, Krockett Krolikowski, Cameron Kuil, Abi Leyden, Izak Moleterno, Hannah Peterson, Samantha Schuyler, Molly Sperlich
Merit – Trevor Bertram, Sidney Bohnet, Kayleb Brozik, Tre’Zen Doren, Nathan Erickson, Avery Gilchrist, Liz Jankauskas, John Kludt, Trace Larson, Kyran Meek, Alex Meiners, Emily Moser, Isaac Naasz, Jayden Schroeder, Rachel Sherman, Ryan Sherman, Jordan Turgeon, Jacob Woods
Honor – Mary Calhoon, Riley Calhoon, Madyson Frazier, Ronae Klein, Nick Lantz, Zach Lapsley, Samantha Marts, Levi McClanahan, Brekkyn Nagel, Lauren Norrid, Macy Olson, Ian Tunnissen
Merit – Michalea Bachmann, Dalton Baker, Ty Bolton, Carter Brickman, Elisabeth Duffy, Macie Ferwerda, Justus Gregg, Hannah Hanson, Madelyn Hanson, Matt Hartley, Daesha Klein, Hanna LaCompte, Lexie Nedved, Charles Novak, Alex Schaeffer, Matthew Smither, Nathan Smither
Honor – Bayli Beehler, Sierra Hansen, Gabriel Kocer, Sophia Lewis, Gracie Littau, Abby Marts, Makenna Petersen, Alexis Richey, Nolan Sachtjen, Casey Stickland, Andrew Taylor, Madi Thieman, Logan Tunnissen, Brandon Volmer, Tyson Westendorf, Sadie Woods
Merit – Taylor Audiss, Elijah Blare, Shea Connot, Kassie Cox, Luke Hennebold, Liliann Jelinek, Katy Lantz, Makayla Petersen, Hunter Shopene, Wyatt Turnquist, Tedra Vrbka
Honor – Austin Bicek, Jacob Clay, Kiersten Durrin, Kara Ewing, Jaynne Gregg, Morgan Hammerbeck, Emmarie Kaiser, Isabelle Leyden, Ryder Mortenson, Ethan Niehus, Abby Pajl, Trevor Peters, Addy Root, Heather Rowe, Kenndal Turnquist, Ethan Vesely
Merit – Joren Bruun, Landon Debus, Jack Ducheneaux, Michael Good Shield, Phillip Jorgensen, RaeLynn Kemp, Jalen King, Kameron Meiners, Loren Moeller, Austin Olson, Jayce Palmer, Shaelyn Peneaux, Dawson Phillips, JaiWanda Roubideaux, Marlee Schaeffer, Saige Schuyler, Charlotte Shopene, Leah Small, Alicia Stands, Gage Watson, Jayd Whitley
Eighth Graders
Honor – Megan Brozik, Shannon Calhoon, Evan Farner, Hayley Hanson, Taylor Headrick, Katherine Jankuaskas, Arista Kaiser, Maggie LaCompte, Mackenzie Levi, Steven Lin, Aryn Meiners, Kayla Natoli, Delanie Nelson, Preston Norrid, Marlie Schuyler, Landon Thieman
Merit – Brennan Bachmann, Meagan Blare, Zach Bohnet, Bailey Brown, Taya Burleson, Kady Cable, Jesse Colson, Presley Foudray, Brady Fritz, Jackson Hansen, Dawsyn Kahler, Deja Kucera, Allie Lapsley, Aissa Long Crow, Gennefier Schuppan, Shelby Scott
Seventh Graders
Honor – Finn Bartels, Ellie Brozik, Jenna Hammerbeck, Hattie Hespe, Emma Jorgensen, Gilon Kraft, Adrienne Lewis, Elvis Lin, Marissa Meiners, Michael Olson, Kaleb Osborn, Kolbie Osborn, Charley Pravecek, Bella Swedlund, Jackson Vesely
Merit – Parker Baker, Shayla Bice, Adam Bohnet, Alex Bohnet, Torre Buus, Joey Cole, Taralyn Cordier, Katie Dreyer, Quintanya Eagle Elk, Shelby Guerue, Hailey Hollenbeck, Kaden Keiser, Ashton Klein, Kylar Meek, Aaron Monk, Owen Monk, Alani Old Lodge, Elijah Peterson, Kelsey Sachtjen, Sidda Schuyler, Ryan Sell, Keyleigh Stands, Trinity Vrbka, Madaline Watzel, Achilles Willuweit
Sixth Graders
Honor – Brindy Bolander, Melanie Brozik, Maggie DeMers, Justin Hausmann, Ainsley Henderson, Tessa Mann, Aleya Miller, Dalton Petersen, Blake Volmer
Merit – Kendyl Bachmann, Ethan Bartels, Mali Beehler, Luke Boerner, Silas Chasing Hawk, Faith Covey, Illyana Crabb, Shayne Day, Kiley Felix, Cam Irick, Trista Kierstead, Joselin Kludt, Tayden Mathis, Kelbi Meiners, Rowdy Moore, Pierce Nelson, Riley Orel, Hunter Osborn, Jack Peters, Rylee Root, Clay Sell, Mallory Thayer, Leah Wiechelman

Cheer Team ties for 8th at State


The Winner High School competitive cheer team competed at the state meet in Aberdeen.  The girls tied for 8th place with Arlington/Lake Preston with 215 points.

“As a coach, I could not ask for a better bunch of girls. These girls went out there Friday, Oct. 21, and left everything on the cheer floor,” said coach Val Ewing. “We stuck all our stunts and the girls did their best routine yet.”

“I am disappointed in how we placed, not is how the girls did or in their performance, but in how the judges scored us,” said Ewing.

“There is a rubic to be followed and I don’t feel that we received the scores we earned. It’s disappointing to know where we have been placing and to hear other coaches tell you that your performance was amazing and then not have the scores reflect that. I honestly think we should have been top four. I am extremely proud of the girls and how far they have come and can’t wait for next year,” said Ewing.

Simpson Honored as Hometown Hero


Freya Simpson, Tripp County Librarian, has been recognized as a Home Town Hero.

Freya was honored at a recent Retired Teachers Meeting in Winner. Freya started her position on Dec. 1, 2008. As a county librarian ,she has the responsibility to make the library function well; to make the public feel welcome and to accommodate their library needs.

She said she is constantly challenged to keep our library up to date in this fast paced 21st Century. To help reach that goal she achieved Public Libraries Accreditation. This is to be done every three years. Current accreditation continues until 2017. She instituted a new library digital system, Destiny, which allows a continual assessment of what is needed and what should be weeded out. She believes the library should provide a safe, clean and friendly place for the public and staff.

One of the biggest challenges is to keep up with technology, public access to computers, and WI-FI; E-books and more. Just recently she, with the help of the library staff, kicked off the first Lego challenge which will provide opportunities for kids from age 5-9 to work/play with Legos and to stretch their imagination and creativity. This after school program will continue for two times a month for the next three months.

Each fiscal year, Freya presents a comprehensive report of the budget, activities and requests to the County Commissioners and to other interested groups. This reveals a tremendous record of activity at the library including the out of town visitors who stop by to read the newspapers and to use the internet. This is an increasing activity indicated by a high number of requests.

The library is funded through the Tripp County Budget, the City of Winner and through various other charitable givings. Guidance for the library come through a Library Board and through a group known as Friends of the Library.

Freya makes use of the local newspaper and the radio to inform patrons of the various services available, new programs and even for requests of needed items . She said, “We live in a caring community and it’s an honor to serve our patrons”.

The award was presented by Marsha Risseeuw, local Modern Woodmen Hometown Awards chair.

QB Club has Big Impact on Athletic Program


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Through its dues and fundraisers the Winner Quarterback Club is there to support, assist the athletic program at Winner High School.

In so many ways, the quarterback club has an impact on the community and the school district.

The officers of the club are: Jason Bartels, president; Scott Schuyler, vice president; Suny Bruun, secretary/treasurer and Sara Hammerbeck, incoming secretary/treasurer.

Kauer Family Donates to Community Foundation


The family of the late Lawrence “Larry” Kauer donated $3,000 in memorial money to the Tripp County 4-H trust fund that is maintained by the Tripp County Community Foundation.

Kauer’s family wanted to put the money someplace where it would be used in remembrance of him into perpetuity. They also requested that the earnings from these funds be used to sponsor the Tripp County Club feeder calf pen of three contest. This is a new contest that was started in 2014 and until now has not had a permanent sponsor. Larry enjoyed taking care of his calves. He was excited that a young 4-Her chose to show one of his calves and he loved helping wash and groom that calf.

As most people know, Larry lived to help others and especially enjoyed those things where kids were involved.

50 Years of Selling Avon


By Dan Bechtold, Editor

Fifty years ago, Clarice Poler of Colome started selling Avon products.

Avon is the world famous manufacturer and seller of cosmetics and personal care products.

For the Colome woman it was a change to start an exciting career.

She started selling on Nov. 8, 1966 and has no plans to retire. However, this month she will celebrate a milestone with Avon.

Her sister, Dorothy Rohde sold Avon and was moving to town. She asked Clarice if she would like to take over her job. Poler explained she received encouragement from several people to take on the new job.

She was assigned a certain area to sell and had between 40 to 50 customers. Mainly working in the rural area. She would drive and visit the women, showing them samples of new products and taking their orders.

Play is a “Must See”


By Susi Brown Riedl

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing the play “Delval Divas.” This play takes place in a correctional facility of Delware Valley.

This is a humorus play about white collar criminals and the “hardships” they encounter.

This play hosts many different twits from embezzling, insider trading and medicare fraud to manicures and pedicures to name a few.

Winner is fortunate to not only have a wonderful community theatre to host such events but we are also lucky to have a wonderful cast who works tirelessly on the set, learning lines and giving Winner our own cultural experience.

This is a must watch show. Come support our community and see a great show.

The play will be presented Oct. 28 and 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the playhouse. The doors will open at 7 p.m.

For ticket reservations call the playhouse at 842-1958.

Spirit Gems Plan haunted house

haunted house at bowling center

The Spirit Gems will be hosting a haunted house as a fund raiser Oct. 28, 29 and 30.

The Spirit Gems are going to be performing at Disney World in Orlando, Fla., the week before Christmas.

Hysteria House will be located in the former Rich’s Rec building at 126 E. 4th St.

The haunted house will be open on Oct. 28 and 29 from 7-11 p.m. and Oct. 30 from 7-9 p.m.

There will be several scary rooms.

Persons are asked to bring a canned food donation for the Winner Food Pantry.