Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day


At the request of the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs, Gov. Dennis Daugaard has proclaimed June 27, 2017, as “Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day,” a day to reflect on the causes, symptoms and treatment of post-traumatic stress injuries.

“The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces who proudly serve the United States and risk their lives to protect our freedom deserve the investment of every possible resource to ensure their lasting physical, mental, and emotional well-being,” the Governor’s proclamation states.

“It is important that we ensure our heroes embrace their invisible wounds in a timely, confident manner, ultimately saving lives and preserving families,” said Larry Zimmerman, Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs. “They have injuries we cannot visualize, but are deeply felt by our heroes that have returned home. Be vigilant in your watch of these great men and women and be ready to fight for their freedoms of this deep pain from their service.”

Zimmerman is encouraging everyone to help raise PTSI awareness. “Awareness of PTSI can be divided into three themes,” said Zimmerman. “Learn, connect and share. Take the mystery out of PTSI by learning more about the invisible wounds and the treatments that are available. Reach out to someone and give support. Help spread the word. Working together we can make a difference.”

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